Agile working - is it the future?

The call to 'work from home if you can' back in March 2020 signalled the start of an overnight experiment in home-based working for many local government employees. While many have welcomed the increased flexibility and time saved by cutting out the commute, it’s clear that home-based working also has its challenges.  Every positive can also be someone else’s negative, but more broadly than that, local government employers need to consider the implications for culture, collaboration, learning, performance, productivity etc...

The key question is, are we working in an agile way or are we just working at home? 

  • how do we build teams remotely?
  • how do we energise and motivate colleagues?
  • how do you ensure colleagues learn from one another and share advice and guidance?
  • what does it mean for internal communications, for leadership – and for line managers?  

Re-thinking the workplace – webinar, Friday 27 November

Thinking of going agile

Our advice is to treat this consideration like any other workforce issue, it requires planning and consideration:

  • explore the rationale, what’s driving the move?
  • project plan
  • consider the benefits
  • review the risks
  • consider the impact on organisational culture
  • what does it mean for line management?
  • undertake an equality impact assessment
  • consult with staff throughout.