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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Camden: avoiding preventable physical health admissions for people with learning disabilities

Camden’s work on avoiding preventable hospital admissions for people with learning disabilities was inspired by two avoidable deaths of people with learning disabilities. These deaths were reviewed via Learning Disability Mortality Reviews (LeDeR) and, subsequently, Safeguarding Adult Reviews for Mr V and Adult W. Through these reviews, Camden Council and its’ health partners working together through the Safeguarding Board, identified that there was a high level of expectation on social care providers in supported living settings to manage physical health risks for people with learning disabilities and, where staff lacked confidence to manage these risks, the result was high levels of attendance at A&E, ambulance callouts and avoidable deterioration in physical health.

Hands Face Space

The Lawnmowers is a Gateshead based theatre group formed in 1986 to offer its work in the community. The organisation is run by and for people with learning disabilities.

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Bradford: Staying Put

Staying Put has continued to ensure as far as possible the safety of women experiencing domestic abuse in the Bradford area

Bradford Race Equality Network

Since September 2020, Bradford’s Race Equality Network (REN) has been delivering the COVID-19 Prevention Project for BAME and Central Eastern European (CEE) communities, funded by Bradford Council’s Public Health department.

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Travel with Confidence

The Travel with Confidence programme consists of training, funding and an assurance mark which signifies that a taxi or private hire driver has gained a safety accreditation aimed to keep customers and workers safe from coronavirus.

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Buy in Bradford Food Voucher Scheme

The Buy in Bradford food voucher scheme was launched in response to the growing numbers of people in food poverty in the city.

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COVID Leadership Programme

Launched in December 2020 and funded by Power to Change and the Lottery Fund, the COVID Lead Leadership Programme was established to help challenge the misconceptions and myths of COVID-19 and the vaccine within Black and minority ethnic (BAME) communities.  

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Little Minds Matter Bradford

This project aims to help families understand the importance of good mental health and offers support where there are concerns or challenges with the parent-infant relationship as a result of for example, a traumatic birth, loss or bereavement, low mood or anxiety.

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Thrive and survive

Hertfordshire’s ‘Thrive and Survive’ work began before the pandemic and was in response to an increase in suicides among university students.

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Making Every Contact Count

Councils up and down the country have been training increasing numbers of colleagues to have healthy conversations, whether it’s about excess smoking or drinking but also, particularly about mental health.

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