Climate Local publications

Climate Local Adaption Survey Summary 2016

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Climate Local Annual report 2015/16

Missing media item.

Climate Local Councillor Briefing packs

Topic specific briefing packs providing guidance and advice to councillors on how preparing for a changing climate can help achieve wider local priorities.

Climate Local Programme evaluation 2015

This report summaries outputs from a programme evaluation undertaken by CAG consultants on Climate Local, including providing recommendations on future work priorities.

Missing media item.

Climate Local analysis of action and progress reports

This report summarises the findings of an analysis of Climate Local action plans and progress reports, which was undertaken in March 2015.

Missing media item.

Climate Local Survey 2014

This report summarises outputs from the Climate Local Survey 2014 conducted by the LGA's Research and Information team in October-November 2014 in order to inform and shape wider discussions around the initiative's future work priorities.

Missing media item.

Climate Local annual report 2014

LGA annual progress report on the work councils are doing to tackle climate change

Analysis of Climate Local actions

This report summarises the findings of an analysis of Climate Local action plans, which was undertaken in March 2014.

Missing media item.