Events for new councillors

View the latest events and webinars available for new councillors.


Time management for councillors
Tuesday 21 May 2024, 1.00pm - 2.30pm

This virtual event, funded by UK Government, will take a look at the busy and changing world of the local councillor. We will consider some of the many and multiple roles that councillors perform and how to balance some of the ‘spinning plates’ involved in being a councillor.

Getting to the heart of what matters
Tuesday 4 June 2024, 1.00pm - 3.00pm

Part of the role of a council leader is to decide what to focus on and act strategically. This interactive workshop, funded by Government, will give you tools and techniques to help you do that. 

What about the numbers? Understand them and use storytelling to get your messages across
Thursday 11 July 2024, 1.00pm - 3.00pm

You need to make sure your decision-making is evidence based - that the numbers back up what you want to do - but for many people ‘numbers mean maths’ and they are scared of maths! Even if you like numbers, you need to tell a story to get your message across. In this virtual event, funded by Government, we will help you understand and interpret numbers.

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LGA events