Start strategising

From implementing a centralised email system and growing your email subscribers, to message frequency and measuring success, now's the time to think about your email strategy.

Every journey starts somewhere, even digital journeys. The easier the first step down the digital highway, the faster it becomes to reach the destination.

Although email is now over 40 years old, this technology is seeing resurgence in local government and is delivering some impressive results.

We're not talking about email newsletters that have replaced the printed council magazine across many authorities. We're talking about modern email. Proactive, immediate, impactful email that builds engagement, drives action, improves satisfaction and supports behaviour change.

When used correctly, email is a strategic tool that reduces cost and increases revenue.

Implementing an email system

While many local authorities have a basic email strategy it can often be fragmented and doesn't maximise the value that a coordinated approach will deliver.

Individual service areas often purchase and implement email newsletter systems in silo which means valuable contact information can't be used elsewhere within the organisation. These departments are often very protective of the lists they have built and breaking down these silos can be very difficult.

This is tricky to administer, confuses brand, duplicates effort and is often costly to the organisation. It's also confusing for the subscribers who have to manage multiple subscriptions and profiles across your organisation.

Instead implementing a centralised system and process to manage all your email subscribers delivers value to your council and your residents.

Once you have chosen an email provider, sending emails is very easy. There are plenty of services out there that help you design, create and send emails to your subscribers.

Growing your subscriber lists

One of the biggest challenges is getting people signed-up to receive your emails. The size of your subscriber list has a direct impact on the outcomes, cost savings and revenue generated. When you have important information to share you want people to read it. So how do you start growing your lists?

The most effective email systems focus on subscriber growth to help build your audience quickly. Also consider integration with back office systems (e.g. revenue and benefits) where email addresses have been captured via electronic forms for years and integration with existing CRM systems. Many local authorities still have huge email lists in spreadsheets and forms databases so don't overlook those either.

Including email alerts in your MyAccount is absolutely essential but don't fall into the trap that this solves all your problems. Restricting access to your email communication to only those with a verified "MyAccount" means you are excluding a large and valuable audience. For example teenagers, businesses looking to relocate and residents in neighbouring authorities who use your leisure facilities. They all generate revenue, provide economic stimuli and attend your events. Most don't have a "MyAccount" and probably never will.

Email frequency

The other area to consider is the frequency and volume of content. Evidence suggests that granular content is best rather than weekly newsletters. Split your emails into different categories, from local events and leisure to jobs and council tax and benefit news.

Letting subscribers choose what, when and how they receive information is far more effective and engaging.

Measuring success

You need to agree from the onset how you're going to measure the success of your emails and then ensure you review this regularly. The main analytics to use are: click through rates, open rates, engagement rates and subscription rates.

In addition, you can use benchmark figures from across the rest of the council to measure the impact of your emails. Have your current call volumes decreased for instance? And have your online transactions increased?

Analysing and measuring the success of your emails will help you secure buy-in from senior stakeholders as well as providing you with an opportunity to tailor and refine content to your subscribers.