Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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LGA briefing - The Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill Second Reading, House of Lords - 16 July 2018

We have been calling for an overhaul of the current Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) process to ensure there is adequate protection for human rights. The decision to focus on how we best protect people’s liberty is positive and we support it.

View allMental health articles

Addressing the incidence of obesity, House of Lords debate - 18 July 2018

Obesity is a complex problem with a large number of different but often interlinked causes. Councils take obesity seriously as evidenced by the fact they have spent over £15 billion on public health since 2013, with over £1 billion tackling child and adult obesity, and physical inactivity.

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70th Anniversary of the NHS and the case for integration of health, mental health, social and community care, House of Lords, 5 July 2018

There cannot be a sustainable NHS without a sustainable adult social care system.

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Briefing - Ensuring social care is adequately funded - House of Lords - 5 July 2018

Adult social care is a vital council service that helps to transform people’s quality of life. It supports adults of all ages with a range of different needs and their carers.

Estimates debate: spending on health and social care House of Commons, 2 July 2018

Adult social care is a vital council service that helps to transform people’s quality of life. It supports adults of all ages with a range of different needs and their carers. There cannot be a sustainable NHS without a sustainable adult social care system.

View allAdult social care articles

LGA briefing: support available to carers and the ‘Carers Action Plan 2018-2020’, House of Lords, 21 June 2018

Supporting and improving the wellbeing and rights of carers is a priority for local government.

LGA response to Department of Health and Social Care consultation Low Alcohol Descriptors

The LGA is supportive of measures to provide greater clarity for consumers around terms used to describe the alcohol content of products, and for there to be consistency in the use of terms used to describe low alcohol products.

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Update on payment for sleep-in shifts in social care: May 2018

The purpose of this briefing is to update councils on latest developments regarding payment of sleep-in shifts in adult social care. Although this briefing focuses on adults, the issue is also relevant to children’s services. 

View allAdult social care articles

Opposition day debate: social care - House of Commons - 25 April 2018

The commissioning and provision of adult social care and support is a vital council service that can transform people’s lives. It is a crucial public service that supports working age disabled adults, older people and their carers, as well as promotes their wellbeing and independence.

LGA response to DHSC call for evidence on local authority public health prescribed activity, 16 April 2018

We welcome the Government's continued support for the devolution of public health responsibility and power to local authorities, allowing local services to be shaped to meet local needs must continue to be the core principle of the reforms as outlined in the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

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