Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Debate on the role of schools in caring for mental health and wellbeing of pupils and their development as community and family members

School-based counselling and mental health support needs to be fully funded by the Government in all state-funded secondary schools and academies, to help support rising numbers of children and young people reporting mental health issues.

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Debate on the prevention of spiking incidents, House of Commons 11 January 2023

From Autumn 2021 there has been a concerning increase in reports of spiking, including a new trend of allegations of substances being administered by needles rather than through drinks. Councils take these allegations extremely seriously and have worked with the police and other partners to respond swiftly to these reports.

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Debate on the NHS’s performance in relation to its priority area targets; and the impact of adult social care pressures on patients of the National Health Service, and their safety, House of Lords, 6 February 2020

We are pleased that in the recent Spending Round, the Government has responded to our calls and provided desperately needed new money, including £1 billion for social care (children’s and adults), as well as confirming the continuation of existing grants. However, these one-off, piecemeal injections of funding hamper councils’ ability to plan for anything beyond a short-term horizon. Social care needs to be given long term funding certainty in the same way as the NHS, and we look forward to seeing the Government’s plans for long-term adult social care reform.

View allAdult social care articles

Debate on the future of adult social care, House of Lords, 30 March 2023

The LGA has long highlighted that adult social care exists to enable adults of all ages and with a range of conditions to live their best life and an equal life.

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Debate on the Economic Affairs Committee report into social care funding, House of Lords, 28 January 2021

Adult social care and support is a vital service in its own right. It helps people of all ages to live the life they want to lead. It binds our communities, helps sustain the NHS and provides essential economic value to our country. Too often health and social care are set on unequal footings, with the latter viewed (sometimes solely) in terms of the role it can play in supporting the former.

View allAdult social care articles

Debate on tackling loneliness and connecting communities, House of Commons, 21 June 2023

Loneliness is a problem for people of all ages throughout the life course. It does not just affect older people.

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Debate on support for public sector workers in the NHS and the social care sectors, House of Lords, 18 December 2022

While the LGA welcomes the money to pilot new approaches and build on existing good practice, we question whether the scale of the investment matches the scale of the ambition. Any positive outcomes emanating from the pilots must be given sustainable long-term funding.

View allAdult social care articles

Debate on social care provision in the UK and the role of carers in that provision, House of Lords, 24 June 2021

Over the past decade, adult social care cost pressures have increased by £8.5 billion and total funding has increased by £2.4 billion. This has meant a gap of £6.1 billion needed to be managed.

View allAdult social care articles

Debate on smokefree 2030 target, House of Commons, 20 June 2023

Smoking remains the leading preventable cause of ill health and mortality in England. Councillors and officers recognise the harm that smoking inflicts on their communities and the importance of continuing to drive down smoking prevalence.

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Debate on post COVID-19 NHS care and the future of service delivery, House of Commons, 24 June 2020

This emergency has highlighted the essential value of social care and public health to the wider public and this needs to be harnessed in thinking about the future of care, support and wellbeing when we look beyond the pandemic.

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