Welcome to Development Management

A hub page for our work on development management.

A busy city centre high street with a man walking down it. Bus is in the distance.

We offer a combination of Development Management self help support and a range of training tailored for your Council's individual needs.

If you would like PAS to deliver training for your Council this is the range of support we can offer:

1. Planning Committee training for Members: please see our separate page on Planning Committee training.  This includes defendable decision making and a role play exercise. 

2. Planning Committee reviews: a review of the operation of your Planning Committee processes and conduct

3. Development Management reviews: a review of your Development Management processes using the Development Management Challenge Toolkit to act as a guide

4.  Development Management Challenge Toolkit: facilitated sessions for selected sections of the toolkit

5. Understanding your customers: officer training to better understand your customers and how to deliver a better service.  This will look at all your customers including:  applicants, consultees, local residents and elected representatives

6. Planning Committee officer training: top tips on presenting at Planning Committee - how to ensure that you start enjoying the experience rather than dreading Planning Committee day

7. Appeals officer training: top tips on attending informal hearings and public inquiries - advice that you won't hear from a barrister!

8.  Development Management or Planning Committee Peer Challenges: see our separate pages on peer challenge 

We will also consider other bespoke training aimed specifically at the needs of your Council.

In each case we will either deliver the training ourselves or use one of our consultants who all have a long history of practical Development Management knowledge at a senior management level.  We also use experienced Member Peers for training that involves councillors.

In some instances we can support the cost of the training through our DLUHC grant.  If we ask you to pay then it will simply be to cover our costs as we are committed to supporting Councils at an affordable price.

If you are interested in receiving training please contact us at [email protected]

Legislation Documents

Changes in planning fees came into force on 6th December 2023

Outlined below is some guidance on changes in planning fees that came into force on 6th December 2023. The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development etc.) (England) (Amendment) (No 2) Order 2021 and consequential changes to certain permitted development rights.