Letter about the Independent S E Regional Peer by Cllr.Linda Gillham

"As the May elections are fast approaching I thought it might be timely to hold a meeting to bring together members from Surrey, Berkshire and Hampshire. This will be held on Monday 13th March from 2-5pm. at the Runnymede Civic Offices in Addlestone Surrey."

Following my recent appointment as the Regional Peer for London and the SE I am writing to introduce myself.

I was elected to Runnymede Borough Council in May 2000 and since then have been a lead opposition member on the Council. Runnymede operates a committee based system and has a Conservative administration although that is gradually changing as many of you will have experienced.

I have represented the Independent Group on several LGA committees and spent 8 years on the Committee of the Regions in Brussels reviewing and lobbying on proposed legislation that would affect Local Authorities. I am particularly interested in Environmental matters and led on opinions on biodiversity and removing plastic from the waste stream.

In more recent years I have been the representative on the Congress of the Council of Europe, set up by Winston Churchill to preserve peace across the 47 countries of Europe. This focuses on democracy and election monitoring.

I am happy to now be able to help Independent and Green Party Councillors in any way I can and hope to meet you soon.

As the May elections are fast approaching I thought it might be timely to hold a meeting to bring together members from Surrey, Berkshire and Hampshire.

This will be held on Monday 13th March from 2-5pm. at the Runnymede Civic Offices in Addlestone Surrey.

Hannah Dalton (Epsom and Ewell) and Paul Harvey (Basingstoke) and I have planned an agenda of:

  • Preparing for the election with examples of manifestos.
  • What does NOC entail and how to prepare.

We are hoping you will also be able to suggest other topics to be included.

Please tell your members about this event and give the LGA office their e mail details so invitations can be sent out.

Thank you!

I can be contacted on

[email protected]