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Climate Change Survey, February 2020

In February 2020 the Local Government Association (LGA) conducted a survey of Directors of Environment or equivalent of all councils in England. The purpose of the survey was both to assess what actions councils have already taken to mitigate and/or adapt to climate change and to ask them what policy changes would enable them to do this in future more effectively. At total of 98 responded – a response rate of 29 per cent.

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Using predictive analytics in local public services front cover

Using predictive analytics in local public services

The use of predictive analytics in local government is still at an early stage, although it is becoming more common. While there are some sophisticated examples of predictive analytics being used across a range of local public services, much of the sector is just starting to consider the opportunities, and risks, of this type of technology.

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LGA research report - street manager survey cover

LGA research report - Street manager survey

Background Since July 2020, all authorities have had to transition onto the Street Manager software to manage their street works. During  Autumn 2020 the Local Government Association (LGA) conducted an online survey of councils with responsibility for

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A cover of the resident satisfaction october 2020 document, white background with a magnifying glass for decorative purposes

Polling on resident satisfaction with councils: October 2020

This report outlines the twenty seventh set of results in a series of regular LGA public polls on resident satisfaction with local councils, conducted every four months.

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Explaining Variation in Spending - Adults' Services Older People COVER

Explaining Variation in Spending - Adults' Services Older People

This analysis seeks to explain differences in spending on adults’ social care per adult aged 65 and over.

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Final Spending Review survey report 2019 COVER

Spending review 2019: survey of councils

This report presents the findings of a survey used to gather evidence on recent savings and efficiencies made by councils – and the financial pressures they currently face. The survey offers new financial data, not available from other published sources, such as savings and efficiencies derived from digital or data solutions. The main themes of the survey were :

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The impact of local government spending COVER

The impact of local government spending

Local councils are responsible for delivering over 800 services ranging from adult social care to environmental health, libraries to trading standards, children’s services to highway maintenance and from public health to planning.

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the impact of COVID-19 on culture, leisure tourism and sport LGA research

The impact of COVID-19 on culture, leisure tourism and sport

From the beginning of lockdown, it was apparent that COVID-19 would have a significant impact on the culture, leisure, tourism and sport sectors. To gain a better understanding of this impact, the Local Government Association (LGA) undertook a series of interviews with senior council officers for culture and leisure between April and June 2020.

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Polling on resident satisfaction with councils: June 2020 COVER

Polling on resident satisfaction with councils: June 2020

This report outlines the twenty sixth set of results in a series of regular LGA public polls on resident satisfaction with local councils, conducted every four months.

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Resident satisfaction with councils’ response to COVID-19 May 2020

Resident satisfaction with councils’ response to COVID-19: May 2020

This report outlines the results of a Local Government Association (LGA) public poll on resident satisfaction with councils’ response to COVID-19. It follows a similar format to the LGA’s regular resident satisfaction polling, which has been conducted every three to four months since 2012.

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