Event series
Event Series
1) Event for Chief Planners - 31st March 2022
We ran this session for local authority Chief Planners to provide an overview of Nutrient Neutrality, and why it is needed, what it means for Local Councils and what support is available.
The sessions also covered how nutrient neutrality fits within the wider policy and regulatory context and how nutrient neutrality and water quality issues are being tackled. Presentations from Defra, DLUHC, Natural England and the Environment Agency.
Presentation Composite:
Part 1 - Introduction by Chief Planner Joanna Averley
Part 2 - Natural England
Part 3 - Defra
Part 4 - Environment Agency
2) Event - Implications for LPAs 07.04.22 / 12.04.22
Session for local authorities on the implications of nutrient neutrality for the planning system. The workshop is intended to be for Heads of Service and Managers. The session provides an overview of the nutrient neutrality approach, how it will affect the Council and its customers and delivering an immediate response. The session explored what nutrient neutrality will mean for planning teams, resource, customers and wider Council priorities. Presentations from Broadland, Cornwall, Wiltshire. Somerset West & Taunton
Presentation Composite:
3) Nutrient Neutrality Deeper Dive 21.04.22 / 26.04.22
The identical sessions will be exploring nutrient neutrality and the Habitats Regulations Assessment process, the legal context and nutrient neutrality principles. The session will also explore the nutrient budgets, how these are changing with the new guidance and discuss the different approaches for finding strategic solutions.
Presentation Composite:
PLEASE NOTE: This is a legal view expressed informally and you should take your own legal advice for a definitive opinion.
4) Delivering a Catchment Based Approach 28.04.22 / 03.05.22
In this session we explored a catchment partnership approach to nutrient neutrality and the wider issues for strategic planning and housing supply. Contributuons from Ashford Council, Herefordshire Council, Catchment Based Approaches (CaBA), Rivers Trust, Defra, NE
Presentations Composite:
5) Planning for a Better Environment - 05.10.22 / 10.05.22
This session explored how mitigation solutions can benefit communities, help with nature recovery and meet wider Council objectives. The focus was on the economic case for improved public open space, the multiple benefits of wetlands and how best practice Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems can minimise nutrient burdens.