Please note the date of these briefings and bear in mind that they may not reflect changes to the planning system since the briefing was prepared. PAS will be updating these pages in due course.
In this section:
Councillor briefing - Councillors new to planning
This will be useful for you if you are a new councillor, or a councillor new to planning. Or you are feeling a bit rusty and just want an update. It covers some planning basics, including on your role as a councillor.
Councillor Briefing - Local Plan Production
This is for councillors leading the production of the local plan. It looks at the main aspects of the plan-making process, sets out the key plan-making principles and steps that authorities need to take in order to get a robust plan in place.
Councillor training module: Strategic Planning - Strategic Priorities, policies and plans
This presentation is aimed at being used to advise Members on the Strategic Planning process, why they might do it and what it might involve.
Councillor Briefing - Making Defensible Planning Decisions
The ‘Localism' agenda has changed some expectations. This guide will help you make robust planning decisions which can be defended to the public and at appeal can be challenging.
Updated Feb 2024