Planning plays a fundamental role in helping to ensure that the impacts of development are appropriately mitigated and that the right infrastructure is in place to support it.
Developer contributions is a collective term mainly used to refer to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Planning Obligations (commonly referred to as ‘Section 106’ or ‘S106’ obligations after Section 106 of the Planning Act). These are planning tools that can be used to secure financial and non-financial contributions (including affordable housing), or other works, to provide infrastructure to support development and mitigate the impact of development.
Developer contributions should be used appropriately and effectively and to achieve this they should be considered throughout the planning cycle. Below we share some resources with you to help in that consideration.
Would you like some support in helping to improve the governance of developer contributions?
In July 2021 we published a guidance handbook on improving the governance of developer contributions and a self-assessment toolkit which includes a number of practical steps for improvement, along with some resources (case studies and links to examples of best practice from elsewhere) to help support you. Once you have identified the areas for improvement, these practical steps and supporting resources will help plan the specific actions required to enable improvement.
Should you wish to further explore how you can identify ways to improve your practices, support can be provided by PAS through a strategic review which would include a facilitated self-assessment and the development of an action plan which would include recommendations for improvement. If you would like more information on this please contact [email protected].