Local Development Orders (LDOs) offer a simplified form of zonal planning. We have followed the preparation of some LDOs and offer some advice from these early pilots, as well as some technical guidance.
LDOs provide permitted development rights for specified types of development in defined locations. They are flexible and locally determined tools that LPAs can use to help accelerate the delivery of appropriate development in the right places. LDOs can help enable growth by positively and proactively shaping sustainable development in their area. They can play an important role in incentivising development by simplifying the planning process and making investment more attractive.
PAS have published updated technical guidance that has been written for LPAs who want to use LDOs in their area. It provides information for officers on how to bring LDOs forward and includes advice on their development and implementation as well as the monitoring and delivery of them.
Local Development Orders - Guidance for councils on preparing local development orders (March 2019)
To bring this guidance document to life and relate it to real places and experiences we have also published a review of 10 case study LDOs that cover a range of development types and scales. The case studies evidence examples of good practice and identify lessons learned during their preparation and delivery.
Local Development Orders - Case Study Research and Analysis (November 2018)
We have also published an interactive map of England which locates all of the LDOs made to date. It provides links to further information including details of what has been permitted through the LDO. The map provides details of the local development orders (LDOs) that have been made in England on or before the 30.11.2019. It should be noted that LDOs can be time limited and as such some may have expired or been replaced. Authorities can also withdraw LDOs and may have done so where the permitted development is now complete or they are no longer serving a purpose