All the workforce information you need in one place for housing associations.
What does Employer Link offer?
Social housing is provided through a number of organisation types including local authorities, housing associations and Arms-Length Management Organisations (ALMO). If employees have been transferred into your housing association or ALMO (whilst adhering to TUPE legislation), you need to stay on top of local government pay negotiations, employment law and pension developments. If you have employees on local terms and conditions you may be interested in having a benchmark.
Employer Link has strong connections with the Local Government Association and the various pay award negotiations, and is best placed to provide housing providers with the most up-to-date information.
We understand that across the housing sector, resources, both financial and staffing, are stretched. However, we can give housing providers access to affordable, reliable advice on terms and conditions and employment law. You will be informed of changes and developments to give you clear, practical advice on how they impact on your HR practices and the people in your organisation.
You will also have priority access to seminars and events which are not only much more affordable than equivalents, but which we also design with your needs in mind.
Our advice can help you to implement major change programmes, such as mergers and restructures, while avoiding expensive employment tribunals. We can show you how to undertake proper due diligence on the terms and conditions of transferring employees’ contracts.
Employer Link also offers consultancy that can deliver solutions that are right for you. If you have a large project and perhaps lack the capacity or capability to deliver in-house, we will provide specialists who have a background not just in the subject matter but in the housing sector as well.
What your subscription will include:
- employment legislation policy updates
- access to job evaluation resources and training
- updates to pay and conditions of service, including online access to all of the nationally agreed conditions of service handbooks that apply in local government services as well as for organisations that TUPE staff in on these terms
- information on relevant employment issues that we are dealing with at a national level and provision of the necessary guidance
- access to direct advice
- access to our Workforce events and consultancy service at discounted rates
- one year’s free membership from the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals.
Find out more about the wider work the Local Government Association is doing for the housing sector