Managing Performance

Helping planning services provide excellent performance to all their customers

This section gives you guidance and tips to help you provide excellent performance in Development Management for all your customers.  PAS focuses its support on councils under threat from designation over speed and quality of decision-making.  However, all Development Management services should regularly review their performance and challenging themselves to improve the service they provide.

The Government currently measures Development Management performance in terms of speed and quality of decision-making.  The minimum threshold for speed of determining Major and County Matters applications is 60% of decisions in time and for Non-Majors it is 70% of decisions in time.  For quality of decision-making it is a maximum of 10% of decisions overturned at appeal - Majors, non-Majors and County Matters are assessed separately.  From January 2025 MHCLG propose that performance related to speed will be measured on an annual basis (October to September) whilst quality will be measured over a two year period.  More details can be found in the document Improving Planning Performance: Criteria for Designation.  If you want to find out where your council sits in the national league table, visit the DLUHC Live tables on planning application statistics.

You may want to use these "crystal ball" spreadsheets to help you monitor performance against the Government's performance measures

Speed of decision-making

Quality of decison-making

There are two PAS blogs that you may find helpful.  The first one is focused on understanding and avoiding designation.  The second helps you to understand how the quality performance figures are worked out.

In addition to the self-help guidance we have on our website, we will be happy to discuss specific support for your council and details of this is on our main Development Management webpage.