This section contains a series of historic resources on developer contributions (CIL and S106 Planning Obligations) that may still be helpful when considering how to utilise these important planning tools and deliver infrastructure in your area.
In this section:
- Archived - Setting a Community Infrastructure Levy
- Archived: Superseded by Case Law- West Berks DC& Reading BC v SSCLG[2015] EWHC 2222 (Admin)
- Archived - CIL: Setting and examination checklist (revised April 2014)
- Archived - CIL: Evidence Base
- Archived: The CIL regulations and Government documents
- Archived - Community Infrastructure Levy – can you introduce one without a ‘relevant plan’?
- Archived - Growth - Setting your CIL
- Archived: CIL Case Studies & other front runner updates
- Archived - What is a CIL?
- Archived: A steps approach to infrastructure planning and delivery