Anti-social use of off-road vehicles, including quadbikes, motorbikes, scramblers and mini-motors is an issue that affects many parts of the borough, and is causing particular nuisance in parks and green spaces. While the use of these vehicles is permitted on private land with the land owners permission, the Road Traffic Act 1988 prohibits their use where no permission has been given.
Anti-social use of off-road vehicles, including quadbikes, motorbikes, scramblers and mini-motors is an issue that affects many parts of the borough, and is causing particular nuisance in parks and green spaces. While the use of these vehicles is permitted on private land with the land owners permission, the Road Traffic Act 1988 prohibits their use where no permission has been given.
Council recognises that tackling the anti-social use of off-road vehicles requires a proactive multi-agency approach involving the local authority, neighbourhood police teams, the wider West Midlands Police and the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner.
Council also recognises that in parts of the borough, there has been a failure to respond appropriately to the anti-social use of off-road vehicles.
Council additionally recognises that Stevens Park, Wollescote, is one part of the borough where there has been a failure to respond appropriately to the anti-social use of off-road vehicles.
Council expresses its dissatisfaction with the response of the Police and Crime Commissioner for failing to adequately address the issue of the use of anti-social use of off-road vehicles in the Dudley Borough, particularly in Stevens Park, Wollescote.
Council therefore resolves to:
- Ask the relevant Officer to conduct a survey amongst the elected members of this Council asking members to identify area within their ward where anti-social use of off-road vehicles occurs and use the results of this survey to improve signage discouraging the use of off-road vehicles.
- Introduce a system where elected members can report addresses to the council which are suspected to be involved in the anti-social use of off-road vehicles, and council to send letters to these addresses outlining the legality of the anti-social use of off-road vehicles and the consequences of their continued use.
- Ask the relevant department to install a trip rail fence around the perimeter of Stevens Park, Wollescote, while maintaining access points for pedestrians, pushchairs, and wheelchairs.
- Instruct the Chief Executive to write to the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner informing them of this motion, and councils’ dissatisfaction with the response of the Police and Crime Commissioner for failing to adequately address the issue of the use of anti-social use of off-road vehicles in the Dudley Borough, particularly in Stevens Park, Wollescote.
- Instruct the Chief Executive to write to the Mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority in May, once the result of the election to the post is known, requesting an urgent meeting to develop a strategy to tackle the anti-social use of off-road bikes. This meeting should involve appropriate cabinet members, ward councillors, and community groups.