Template motion on home insulation

Our thanks to West Berkshire Lib Dems for text of original


Council acknowledges that this year, especially, the most vulnerable in [OUR COUNCIL] will still be struggling to choose between heating or eating. People living in poorly insulated properties are in an even worse situation, because the poorer the insulation the more it costs to heat the same size space.

This motion commits [OUR COUNCIL] to take a bold step in helping as many residents as possible and as rapidly as possible to have a positive impact on energy needs next winter.

Council notes:

  • That we declared a climate emergency across [OUR COUNCIL], and we need to make progress on our target as a matter of urgency.
  • That the better a property is insulated the lower the need for any kind of heating.
  • That for any insulation scheme, there will be a shortage of skills needed to implement the scheme.
  • That many believe the costs of fossil fuel will not return fully to previous levels for many years, if ever.
  • That better insulation is one of the best ways to jump up from a D or E to a C EPC rating.

In order to help:

This Council will introduce a scheme which will begin by focusing on those who cannot afford to undertake basic insulation, or lack the skills, or physical ability to do it.

Criteria that should be met:

  • Living in a home or flat that has an EPC of E or below;
  • Can demonstrate to the Council that they are not in a position to:
    • Afford the simple steps to better insulation, in which case material will be supplied;
    • Afford the simple steps to better insulation and don’t have the skills to implement, in which case, materials will be provided and a half day course made available for them to gain the skills;
    • Afford the simple steps to better insulation and don't have the physical ability to undertake the work, in which case, the material would be provided, and work carried out for them.

The motion

This council commits to:

  • Introducing a scheme before 31st March 2023 in order to be able to take advantage of the Household Support Fund which has up to £421 million available
  • Identifying
    • the first [INSERT NUMBER HERE] homes that meets the affordability and physical ability criteria.
    • the first [INSERT NUMBER HERE] homes that meets the supply and training criteria.
    • the first [INSERT NUMBER HERE] that meets the supply only criteria.
  • Creating a directory of local tradespeople who will participate in the implementation of the scheme.
  • Working with local education facilities (EXAMPLES HERE) to ensure the availability of courses for those wanting to skill-up.
  • Ensuring those that have the greatest need are helped first.
  • Working with both the public and private sectors to ensure anyone meeting the criteria can take advantage of the scheme (no matter who owns the property).
  • Applying for complete funding from government to fund the project. Investigating the creation of an Insulation Bond that would act as a backstop or allow for the extension of the programme dependant on the success of the grant bid.