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The Retention Reset Programme

The Retention Reset programme is a 10-week programme designed to improve retention practices and tackle common challenges across local authorities. The aim is to improve employment experiences amongst local government staff, with the view of retaining talent and skills.

Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council: Shining a light on the superpowers of adults with disabilities and long-term health conditions

Run by and for Disabled staff, SHINE was set up as a disability staff network creating a safe space for Disabled staff and those with long-term health conditions, all driven by personal experiences. Advocating for the Social Model of Disability, SHINE has been able to create meaningful change across Cumbria County Council, now split into Westmorland and Furness, and Cumberland Council.

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Client Level Data in Practice, 5 December 2024

Partners in Care and Health (PCH) hosted a webinar aimed at Directors of Adult Social Services (DASSs) and other senior operational staff to provide an opportunity to find out more the Client Level Data (CLD) collection and derived metrics.