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The LGA is the national membership body for local authorities and we work on behalf of our member councils to support, promote and improve local government.
Our core membership comprises 315 of the 317 councils in England and includes district, county, metropolitan and unitary authorities along with London boroughs and the City of London Corporation. The 22 Welsh unitary councils are in membership via the Welsh Local Government Association.
We also operate an Associate scheme for organisations whose purpose and objectives are aligned with our own. Our Associates include fire and rescue authorities, police, fire and crime commissioners/police and crime commissioners, national park authorities and town and parish councils via the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)’s corporate associate membership.
In this section:
Your LGA membership pack 2024
We hope that this membership pack demonstrates the value of councils working together through the LGA as your national voice.
Associate Membership Scheme
The LGA's associate membership scheme is open to organisations whose purpose and priorities align with those of the LGA. Associate membership is non-voting, with subscription levels based on the size of the organisation.
Benefits of LGA membership and associate membership scheme
LGA membership offers a wide range of benefits.
Lobbying parliament on your behalf
Over the past 20 years we have lobbied and campaigned on behalf of local authorities in England and Wales both in Westminster and in Brussels.
Regional groupings
The LGA is the national voice for local government, but its voice is the sum of all parts. Councils choose to collaborate regionally to make an impact.
How we support member authorities to improve
The LGA has a range of practical support available, on a free of charge and/or subsidised basis, to help local authorities and to exploit the opportunities that a sector led approach to improvement provides.
Member guidance on the Data protection act
Guidance on those parts of the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 which directly affect elected members.
LGA Conference Centre
The LGA Conference Centre provides an ideal location in the heart of Westminster for your meetings, conferences or receptions.