A wealth of research and analytic services to help support your role as a local government officer.
In this section:
LG Inform (data benchmarking)
LG Inform brings together a range of key performance contextual and financial data for authorities, in an online tool.
Better Use of Data programme
The LGA’s better use of data programme offers a range of free-to-access support to help councils recognise the full value of data and make good use of it for decision-making.
About research in local government
As the largest employer in England, local government provides a wealth of research and analytical career opportunities.
About our Research team
The research and information team provides research and analytic services to the LGA and help and support to the local government sector.
LGA Research bulletin
This monthly publication keeps you informed of key issues and developments in research impacting on, or of interest to, local government.
Open data and transparency
Find out about a range of LGA programmes to promote the understanding of open data, develop a policy towards local transparency and identify and share good practice of open data use.
Research publications
A comprehensive list of the LGA's research-related publications
Research software and tools
Resources you may find useful in your research work.
Research partner organisations
There are many organisations supporting or providing services of potential use to local government research. This section provides details of those that may be helpful.