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The LGA Consultancy has been developed by the LGA to provide members with a ‘by the sector, for the sector’ consultancy offer.
The LGA Consultancy brings together existing services and newly developed ones. Should you want expert advice on HR issues or support with resolving pressing policy issues, to advice on adopting the best strategy for your council or combined authority, the LGA Consultancy is in the best position to help.
We will use our in-depth understanding of local government and the wider public sector to develop and deliver tailored consultancy support that will help us deliver your priorities.
Get in touch:
Call Vitaly Voytenko on 020 7664 3128 or email [email protected]
Why us?
The LGA Consultancy is made up of proven professionals committed to see local government going from strength to strength. In addition to in-house expertise, they all have:
- a commitment to provide sustainable solutions that deliver results, not just diagnosis of problems
- unparalleled and up-to-date contacts across the full range of Government departments
- an understanding and experience of working in politically led organisations at senior levels
- a deep understanding of 21st century public services and the policy and workforce implications
- the ability to put together a team with the expertise to match your specific needs
- partnerships with other consultancies and organisations in order to provide the sector with access to high-quality products at reduced rates.
What we do
The LGA continues to offer a wide range of services which are free at the point of delivery to all its members. You may have a specific challenge or opportunity that The LGA Consultancy team can help you to address.
The LGA Consultancy has been developed with the express aim of supporting local government deliver its priorities. This will always be the priority for the LGA. Therefore, costs for consultancy work will be highly competitive and, in most cases, below usual market rates for similar work.