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Governance and assurance

Good governance is integral to effective council performance. 

We provide support, guidance and tools so that councils can assess and assure themselves of the effectiveness of their governance, with help to address any areas for improvement. To find out more, contact your regional team.

Leading good governance and assurance

We have produced a short video introduction to 'Leading good governance and assurance for elected members', presented by Dr Stephanie Snape, Director of the New Leadership Foundation and provider of training, development and research on political leadership and governance issues.

We work with partners who also provide support and guidance on good governance:

Case studies

We have collated different best-practice case studies that reflect a variety of methods to council-wide assurance and good governance. While the councils included differ in size, tier, and organisational priorities, they all share a rigorous approach to assurance and have developed tools and mechanisms to embed good governance.

Essex County Council: ensuring evidence-based, sound, and transparent decision making.

Essex has a council-wide approach to assurance, overseen by the Corporate Governance Steering Board. There is a focus on the quality of report-writing, transparency and trust between members and officers, sustained by a culture of continual learning and development.

London Borough of Haringey: putting good governance at the heart of council improvement

Senior leaders share an understanding that good governance is essential for achieving improvement and transformation and demonstrate this through their interactions with all levels of the organisation.

North West Leicestershire Council: governance is everyone’s job

North West Leicestershire has conducted a self-assessment as an early response to the government’s draft Best Value Standards.  This was used to shape an action plan that will inform the Annual Governance Statement.  There is mandatory governance training for managers.

Warwickshire County Council – systematically reviewing effectiveness

Warwickshire has used a framework to systematically review the effectiveness of its governance, systems and processes.  There is visible leadership of good governance by senior political and managerial leaders.

Wiltshire Council: ensuring a sound basis for robust decision making and policy development.

Wiltshire has developed a tool to ensure effective oversight of the preparation of all Cabinet reports. Pre-decision scrutiny has an important role, and the council has a very strong performance culture.