A set of protocols, principles, codes, guidance, and frameworks outline the actions, rules, and expectations required to create and sustain good governance. These documents emphasise the importance of ethical behaviour, transparency, and responsibility and outline the actions needed for CAs to set and maintain a high level of governance, which is essential for gaining and keeping public trust.
- The English Devolution Accountability Framework explains how devolved bodies in England are held accountable. It talks about the importance of – and outlines the Government's key expectations for – checks and balances, being answerable to the public and the national government, ensuring money is well spent, and listening to local businesses in decision-making.
- The Scrutiny Protocol is the Government’s guidance for devolved institutions on overseeing and being accountable for their actions, emphasising the need for clear, ethical leadership and regular checks on performance.
- The Seven Principles of Public Life (also known as the Nolan Principles) set out ethical standards for those working in the public sector in the UK, covering values like selflessness, integrity, and honesty. These principles are meant to guide public officials in behaving ethically.
- The LGA's Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2020 provides advice for members on behaving ethically and maintaining the public's trust. It covers treating people respectfully, avoiding conflicts of interest, and being transparent about gifts and hospitality.
- Finally, the Government’s Best Value Guidance outlines the standards expected of local authorities when delivering the best possible public services. It focuses on the leadership, governance, and resource management necessary to ensure effective, efficient services that offer good value for money.
We have distilled the key themes from these documents, alongside direct feedback and input from CAs, into eight essential components that CA can use to support a culture of ethics and trust and ensure members' and officers' actions follow regulatory requirements and meet the highest standards.
When viewed alongside broader organisational objectives and values, these components create a robust framework that can steer daily operations, decision-making processes and stakeholder interactions. Actively communicating and embedding these components throughout the organisation, from strategic planning to everyday tasks, is essential for fostering a cohesive and unified approach to governance.
Case Study: West Yorkshire Combined Authority Corporate Governance Code and Framework
Like many CAs, WYCA has adopted a Corporate Governance Code and Framework that aligns with best practice guidelines. This local code outlines a commitment to seven core principles: integrity, openness, economic, social, and environmental benefits, achieving intended outcomes, capacity and capability, risk and performance management, transparency, audit, and accountability. The code outlines specific policies, codes of conduct, and procedures for regular audits to uphold ethical values, stakeholder involvement, and efficient governance.
Undertaking annual reviews of the effectiveness of governance mechanisms and controls (as described in the local code) helps the CA to outline areas for improvement, demonstrate its organisational responsibility, and foster a culture of transparency and continuous improvement within its governance framework.
3.1 Transparency and openness
Transparency and openness go beyond merely publishing and sharing information.
CAs must proactively make information accessible and understandable to the public. Being open facilitates active dialogue and scrutiny and requires CAs to embrace feedback and critique, thus promoting accountability and public trust.
Although there will be instances where CAs might need to withhold some information for commercial or legal reasons, a culture of transparency means that CAs embody openness in their daily operations and interactions.
Key requirements
- Adopting and maintaining a Publication Scheme: The Freedom of Information Act requires every public authority to have a publication scheme approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and to publish information covered by the scheme. The ICO has created a model publication scheme that all public authorities must use. The scheme covers the following types of information:
- Who we are and what we do: Organisational information, locations and contacts, constitutional and legal governance.
- What we spend and how we spend it: Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.
- What our priorities are and how we are doing: Strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews.
- How we make decisions: Policy proposals and decisions. Decision-making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations.
- Our policies and procedures: Current written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities.
- Lists and registers: Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority.
- The services we offer: Advice and guidance, booklets and leaflets, transactions and media releases. A description of the services offered.
- Example Publication Scheme: Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
- Proactively disclosing data in line with The Local Government Transparency Code. This includes financial transactions, asset utilisation, decision-making processes, and matters of local interest.
- CAs are required to publish a forward plan detailing key decisions they intend to make. This plan must be made available at least 28 days before the start of the period covered in the plan. The forward plan informs the public and stakeholders about upcoming decisions and allows for transparency and accountability in the decision-making process. Where the CA intends to make a key decision, it must publish a notice detailing how the decision relates to the CA’s functions, the specifics of the decision, the decision-makers name and title, when the decision will be made and how to request more information on these documents.
- Holding public meetings with openly accessible agendas and publishing the minutes and decisions online in an easy-to-read format and timely way encourages transparency in decision-making by allowing the public to scrutinise and understand the processes involved.
3.2 Accountability and responsibility
When a CA is established, the Government transfers specific powers to it, thus making the CA responsible for those areas. This transfer of power enables decisions to be made closer to the communities they affect, enhancing responsiveness and efficiency. Accountability means that those who have power must answer for and explain their choices and actions to the public. When accountability works well, it also enables and enhances the feedback and trust between the CA and the public it serves.
Clarity of responsibility is crucial; it involves defining specific roles and expectations – this includes understanding the difference between member and officer roles and avoiding ambiguity in who is responsible for what. While specific responsibilities can be delegated within the CA, the ultimate accountability for those decisions and actions cannot be transferred, ensuring that members remain answerable for the outcomes of delegated tasks.
Key requirements
- Establishing explicit reporting structures, including schemes of delegation with well-defined roles and responsibilities. For example, the Government's guidance on "The Role of the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO)" outlines the responsibilities and expectations for SROs overseeing significant projects. This is crucial for ensuring effective leadership and accountability in project management.
- Implementing a regular mayoral or directly elected leader’s Question Time, as outlined in the Scrutiny Protocol, to facilitate direct public engagement and provide a means for those responsible to be held accountable.
- Investment in developing a robust constitution that captures the key structures and boundaries for accountability, responsibility, and the delegation of authority to make decisions. This will be a key reference point in the event of a dispute between partners
- Regularly reviewing key documents, including the constitution. Governance protocols and guidance should be live documents that reflect evolving practice and law and should periodically be strengthened and refined (as whole documents) to ensure they stay relevant and consistent.
- Developing targets and utilising performance indicators to measure and communicate the outcomes of actions and decisions. This provides clear quantitative information that the CA and stakeholders can use to track and measure progress on delivering strategic objectives and enables members and other stakeholders to hold the CA to account.
- Incorporating regular and comprehensive evaluations of programmes and initiatives to assess their effectiveness, impact on the community, and efficiency of resource utilisation. This can be achieved by formally adopting a structured approach to benefits realisation, such as the Assurance Review Toolkit from the Infrastructure and Projects Authority, which details methodologies for categorising, planning, and evaluating benefits to ensure projects deliver their intended outcomes effectively.
- Implementing a system for addressing and learning from complaints and feedback from the public and other stakeholders, fostering trust and continuous improvement.
Case Study: West Midlands Combined Authority: The Single Assurance Framework & Project Lifecycle Process
The WMCA SAF is a guidance tool that aids sponsors through four project stages: initiation, development, approvals, and delivery. It ensures consistency in assurance, independent appraisal, and decision-making across all funding sources. The SAF aims to achieve accountability and value for money in project and programme management by setting high standards for project development, approval, delivery, and oversight.
Guidance: Reviewing Schemes of Delegation for English Authorities by the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (CfGS)
CfGS has produced technical advice for local authorities in England. It addresses the principles of delegated decision-making, clarifying the distinction between member and officer roles and emphasising political accountability. It discusses the importance of consistent financial thresholds, political clarity, the cascade principle, accurate recording and reporting and adherence to the law.
3.3 Participation
From a governance perspective, participation is more than procedural requirements – it is about shaping the effectiveness, transparency, and accountability of decision-making processes.
The English Devolution Accountability Framework also sets an expectation that CAs ensure that decisions benefit from the input of wide-ranging views and underlines the importance of CAs communicating their roles, achievements, and decision-making processes, fostering an informed, engaged community through regular updates and direct interactions. This includes detailing these roles in local council tax bills or the requirement for CAs to organise a mayor or directly elected leader’s Question Time every three months to facilitate accountability and public engagement.
Embracing participation requires a CA to ensure that mechanisms, such as community engagement strategies, enable diverse voices, especially those less heard, to inform local priorities and the decision-making processes. Done well, participation should build public trust, support more informed and robust policies, foster community engagement, and enable more effective and inclusive service delivery.
Key Stakeholders
Different actors and organisations play a vital role in the management and functioning of CAs, from councils, including district and borough councils, residents, businesses and other elected officials such as the Police and Crime Commissioner.
- Constituent Councils: Councils that are part of the CA.
- Members: Appointed by constituent councils as voting members of the CA.
- Non-constituent Members: Those nominated as members by a body designated by the CAs. Non-constituent members are non-voting unless the voting members resolve otherwise.
- Businesses: Local and regional businesses contributing to economic development and employment.
- Residents: The local population impacted by CA policies and services.
- Other Elected and Public Sector Representatives (e.g. Police and Crime Commissioner): representing additional layers of governance and public service within the CA's area.
The impact of culture on participation in scrutiny
Statutory guidance on overview and scrutiny highlights the crucial role of organisational culture, behaviours, and attitudes in determining the success or failure of a CA scrutiny function. It emphasises the importance of creating a strong culture that supports effective scrutiny, which in turn can improve policymaking and public service delivery.
The guidance outlines strategies for establishing such a culture, including recognising the legal and democratic legitimacy of scrutiny, ensuring clear roles and focus, promoting early engagement between the executive and scrutiny functions, managing disagreements constructively, and providing necessary support and resources. It suggests that a supportive culture can lead to better scrutiny outcomes, enhancing public accountability and governance, especially in systems with a directly elected mayor.
Key requirements
- Establishing effective partnerships with businesses, educational institutions, and other public sector organisations.
- Including external stakeholder input in the scrutiny process. CAs should engage with a wide range of stakeholders, including residents, businesses, and community groups, to gather diverse perspectives and insights. This approach aims to enhance the scrutiny function's effectiveness and relevance by ensuring it reflects the needs and concerns of the wider community.
- Monitoring committee attendance and mayoral engagement. To be effective, committees require sufficient engagement and support. Holding meetings in different localities makes governance more accessible and encourages participation.
- Establishing a culture that values participation, collaboration, and feedback across various stakeholders—adopting local engagement protocols or guidelines can support this culture.
Case Study: West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA): Consultation and engagement protocols
WYCA has established a consultation and engagement protocol to guide its stakeholder interactions. This protocol emphasises the importance of dialogue, aiming to influence decisions, policies, or action programs through a genuine exchange of views.
The approach is designed to be dynamic, inclusive, and GDPR compliant, ensuring that consultations are effective, accessible, and high-quality and that feedback is meaningfully incorporated into decision-making processes. The protocol encompasses six key components to ensure effective stakeholder involvement:
- Awareness and duty: Ensuring stakeholders are informed about consultation approaches and recognised statutory duties to consult.
- Formative stage engagement: Allowing stakeholder input while proposals are still developing.in development.
- Accessibility: Making consultation open, transparent, and easy to participate in.
- Planning and value: Ensuring consultations are well-managed, coordinated, and cost-effective.
- Consistent high quality: Maintaining high standards through staff training and quality control processes.
- Feedback consideration: Ensuring consultation feedback is objectively considered and outcomes communicated promptly.
Case Study: Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA): Greater than its constituent parts…
GMCA comprises the Mayor of Greater Manchester, the leaders of the ten Greater Manchester councils including the Salford City Mayor, and a Deputy Mayor for Policing, Crime, Criminal Justice, and Fire. Each member is assigned a policy brief by the Mayor to lead on specific areas such as Policy & Reform, Transport, Economy, Green City-Region, and more, aiming to address the diverse needs of the region collaboratively. Assigning cross-cutting thematic portfolios to the leader/mayor of each member Council encourages them to consider the wider regional impact and needs rather than focusing solely on their local authority's immediate boundaries.
This approach fosters a collaborative mindset, ensuring that policies and initiatives are developed with a holistic view of Greater Manchester's challenges and opportunities. It also promotes regional cohesion and mutual progress.
3.4 Rule of Law
The rule of law is a crucial component, highlighting the importance of operating in an environment where the rules are known, clear, and applied equally, ensuring that no individual or entity is above the law. In practice, this means ensuring that operational activities, policy decisions, and governance practices are conducted within established and evolving legislation.
Adhering to the rule of law supports CAs in upholding democratic values, maintaining public trust, and providing a stable and predictable environment for governance. This accountability loop is vital for governance as it ensures that public officials act in the community's best interest, adhering to principles of transparency and ethical conduct. Legislation creates a stable, predictable governance environment, ensuring actions are transparent and fair and treat everyone equally under the law, which can contribute to reinforcing the integrity and legitimacy of CAs in the public eye.
Key legislation
The legislation covering combined authorities is:
There is also a range of related legislative provisions for CAs' governance arrangements. These include:
The role of Statutory Officers
Like many other public sector organisations, CAs are required to appoint or designate several statutory officers. These officers play a vital role in ensuring the lawful and effective operation of the authority. They have personal duties to discharge and exercise these when their authorities are experiencing particularly difficult situations or pressure on resources. The three most senior roles cover:
- The Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive) is responsible for ensuring the authority’s functions are properly coordinated, organising staff, and appointing appropriate management.
- The Monitoring Officer is responsible for monitoring the lawfulness of their authorities' actions and, if necessary, complying with their duty under section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 to report unlawfulness or maladministration to their authorities.
- The Section 73 Chief Finance Officer is responsible for administering the combined authority's financial affairs in accordance with Section 73 of the Local Government Act 1985.
Other statutory roles include the Statutory Scrutiny Officer, the Data Protection Officer, the Senior Information Risk Officer, and the Combined Authority Returning Officer.
Key requirements
- CAs must operate within the legal framework established by national legislation and the articles of the CA’s constitution.
- CA decisions must comply with existing laws, regulations, and constitutional provisions. Therefore, CAs must ensure that decisions are informed by robust advice, including legal advice, that ensures compliance, mitigates risks and protects rights.
- Continually updating policies to reflect legislative changes reinforcing a culture of compliance and conducting training so that members and officers understand the policies which enable legal compliance.
- The CA's statutory officers - the Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive), Chief Finance Officer, and Monitoring Officer - have a defined role in guiding and informing the mayor or leader and members and ensuring that decisions are lawful and consistent with the constitution.
- Constituent councils also have an important role, providing advice to their member representatives in facilitating, informing and implementing CA decisions. This is generally not a formal role governed by the CA constitution. However, because they can carry a strong informal influence, it is important to ensure that any areas of disagreement can be properly governed using a protocol.
3.5 Strategic Vision
Strategic vision is a key to good governance because it provides a clear direction and purpose. It guides decision-making, aligns effort, and ensures adaptability. Visions motivate stakeholders, contribute to long-term sustainability, and guide what success looks like.
CAs must engage in a collective process from the outset, involving local leaders and stakeholders in defining priority outcomes. Successful visions create a shared narrative demonstrating the added value of devolution and focus on long-term regional benefits over short-term gains. CAs also operate in a political environment where contrasting strategic priorities and points of view can make it difficult for partners to agree. Voting arrangements, the constitution and supporting decision-making protocols provide a structure that should help mitigate this. However, the ability of the CA to function effectively is highly dependent on a good and constructive strategic relationship between the partners.
Partner representatives need to be aware that their constitutional responsibility to act in the strategic interests of the CA might, at times, diverge somewhat from the direct interests of their constituent council, and there will be an ongoing need to balance both the short and longer term objectives of both organisations.
Key requirements
- Initiating a devolution process that involves all stakeholders, setting a solid foundation for shared purpose and strategy.
- Develop a strategic vision that looks beyond immediate priorities, focusing on long-term regional development and prosperity. Use data to inform strategic decisions and measure the effectiveness of initiatives.
- Ensuring wide-ranging support from local political leaders, stakeholders, and the community, emphasising collective leadership and the importance of seeking consensus in decision-making where possible.
- Articulating the vision effectively, outlining its benefits, the powers to be devolved, and the geographical scope, ensuring alignment with regional economic realities. The vision should be articulated, achievable and prioritised for officers to follow.
- Aligning the CA’s financial strategy and delivery arrangements with the vision and responding appropriately to local needs, including the plans of partners and stakeholders.
- Underpinning the vision with an evidence-based, current, and realistic corporate plan enables the CA’s performance to be measured and held to account.
Guidance: The Corporate Narrative Toolkit
The LGA Corporate Narrative Toolkit offers guidance for authorities wanting to articulate their vision, values, and plans effectively. The toolkit emphasises the significance of a well-structured narrative that encapsulates the purpose, achievements, and future goals in a compelling and relatable manner. It advocates for simplicity, clarity, and truthfulness in storytelling to ensure the message resonates with a broad audience.
Through practical tips and case studies, the toolkit provides valuable insights into developing, finalising, and embedding a corporate narrative that effectively communicates the authority’s role and impact.
Key aspects include:
- Consensus vs clarity: balancing the need for wide-ranging input with the necessity of avoiding a narrative that feels overwrought or filled with jargon.
- Inclusive development process: involving a diverse group of stakeholders to ensure the narrative reflects a broad spectrum of perspectives and experiences.
- Unique and authentic storytelling: crafting a unique narrative, highlighting its specific purpose, vision, and the tangible impact of its work on the community.
- Evaluation and adaptation: regularly assessing how the narrative is embraced and applied.
3.6 Effective decision-making and risk management
To enable good governance, decision-making should be rigorous and transparent, grounded in a comprehensive understanding of all relevant factors, risks, and impacts associated with each decision. There must be a structured approach where decisions are informed by solid evidence and stakeholder engagement, ensuring every action aligns with both immediate objectives and broader, long-term aspirations.
Risk management should also be woven into the fabric of decision-making and not treated as a peripheral activity. Good risk management entails a systematic process of identifying, evaluating, and mitigating potential challenges and threats, safeguarding the authority’s objectives. It enhances the CA's resilience and adaptability, enabling it to confidently navigate uncertainties. By integrating risk management seamlessly into governance structures, CAs can ensure a cohesive approach that enhances overall performance and success, linking it closely with other governance dimensions for a holistic strategy.
Key requirements
- Develop a decision-making protocol - This brings to life critical constitutional components such as who is responsible for making decisions and how decisions are made, procedural matters (set out in the ‘standing orders’) and the role of officers.
- Establishing a comprehensive evaluation of options and risks and conducting impact assessments for decisions to evaluate potential consequences and inform better choices.
- Ensuring decision-making is evidence-based, customer and citizen-focused, and considers the needs of different groups within the community.
- Develop a comprehensive risk management framework and conduct regular risk assessments and scenario planning exercises.
- Identifying and implementing risk mitigation strategies and contingency plans.
Case Study: Developing a Decision-Making Protocol
The "North East Combined Authority (NECA) Decision-Making Protocol" aims to provide a clear and accountable decision-making process that is understood and followed by both members and officers.
Importantly, it draws together the mechanisms for all decision-making alongside 12 principles that all decisions should adhere to. Establishing a decision-making protocol enables the CA to make it easy to understand the decision-making process, with use of diagrams and examples where helpful.
Case Study: Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Corporate Risk Framework
GMCA introduced its Corporate Risk Framework in 2020, outlining an approach towards managing potential risks and opportunities affecting the Authority's strategic objectives. GMCA’s Risk Management Framework encompasses the principles on which risk management operates within GMCA, the risk appetite of the organisation, the framework (or hierarchy) of categories of risk, risk management process (identify and assess, treat, monitor and report) and risk management tools, templates and training.
The framework relates to all strategic and operational areas, focusing on proactive risk anticipation and prevention. It enables GMCA to take a consistent approach to risk identification, assessment, and management, embedding these processes throughout the organisation. The framework also defines roles and responsibilities for all staff, emphasising collective expertise in mitigating risks.
3.7 Ethics and integrity
Ethics and integrity are foundational to good governance, ensuring that actions and decisions are conducted with honesty, fairness, and respect. This is critical for maintaining public trust and accountability. Adhering to established ethical frameworks like the Nolan Principles and the LGA's Model Member Code of Conduct 2020 guides members and officers in upholding these values, emphasising the importance of respectful treatment, transparency, and impartial conduct.
Implementing these standards strengthens the ethical culture within CAs, promoting a governance environment where integrity is paramount. Integrating these guidelines into key documents, such as the constitution, code of conduct (for members and officers), conflicts of interest policy and member and officer protocols underlines the commitment to integrity and trust in public governance, fostering an environment where ethical practices are the norm.
Key requirements
- Establish a comprehensive ethics and conduct code aligned with the Nolan Principles and informed by the LGA's Model Member Code of Conduct 2020.
- Conduct regular ethical behaviour and integrity training for all members and staff, promoting a culture of openness, respect, and ethical behaviour at every level of the organisation.
Guidance: LGA Model Member Code of Conduct
The LGA developed a Model Member Code of Conduct after extensive consultation with the sector, as part of its work to support all tiers of local government to continue to aspire to high standards of leadership and performance. This initiative was developed in response to a need for clearer guidance and consistency in the ethical standards expected of councillors throughout local government, following recommendations from the Committee on Standards in Public Life. The code of conduct specifies the behaviours and obligations of councillors. It covers areas such as treating others with respect and impartiality, avoiding conflicts of interest, and ensuring the prudent use of public resources. It applies to councillors in their official capacity and includes all forms of communication and interaction, whether face-to-face, online, written, verbal, or non-verbal.
One key aspect of the code is its emphasis on respect, bullying, harassment, discrimination, and the impartiality of council officers. Councillors are expected to not only avoid these behaviours but also to promote equality and not unlawfully discriminate against any person. The code also outlines requirements regarding confidentiality and access to information, ensuring that councillors do not disclose confidential information improperly or use their position for personal gain. It stresses the importance of using council resources appropriately and not bringing the role or the local authority into disrepute.
Case Study: Officer Code of Conduct
The "Code of Conduct for Officers" document from the North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA) outlines standards for officer conduct. It emphasizes the need for high ethical standards, including integrity, honesty, impartiality, and objectivity in serving the community and implementing policies. The document covers various aspects such as political neutrality, managing personal relationships, equality and diversity, and handling of the authority's property and information. It also addresses conflicts of duty, whistleblowing, and the treatment of gifts and hospitality, aiming to ensure that officers work in the public interest and maintain public confidence.
3.8 Efficiency and effectiveness
Like other authorities, CAs have a duty to plan for continuous improvement in how they perform their functions, considering a combination of economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. This covers issues such as how authorities balance their budget, provide statutory services, and ensure value for money in all spending decisions.
The latest evolution of the Best Value Duty will require authorities to show good governance, positive organisational culture, and effective risk management across all functions. Regular reviews of governance mechanisms and controls are crucial in this process. Reviews should involve assessing decision-making processes, resource allocation and achieving specific outcomes to identify areas for improvement and provide insights into simplifying operations for more efficiency and effectiveness. Part of this review process includes openness to external challenge and awareness of how the authority compares to other comparable organisations.
Constituent members also have an important role in ensuring value for money. As a CA grows, it will need to expand its team and capacity in key areas such as corporate governance and assurance, which will require more funding. Members can have a significant influence in approving the management structure and appointments, the funding mechanism, and how services will be delivered. A balance that enables the CAs to grow these corporate functions alongside their programme delivery capability must be found.
Key requirements
- Adopting an organisation-wide commitment to continuous improvement, underscored by regular monitoring, performance assessments, and updates to both corporate and improvement strategies.
- Commissioning a peer review process at minimum intervals of five years, taking swift action on recommendations provided and disseminating the findings and progress updates publicly.
- Collaborating closely with the Audit Committee and external auditors to proactively pinpoint improvement opportunities, responding swiftly and efficaciously to their suggestions.
- Establishing mechanisms for achieving an optimal balance between cost and quality in service delivery should be put in place, mindful of the available resources.
Case Study: Using Peer Review to Facilitate Continuous Improvement
In December 2022, GMCA was the first CA to undertake the LGA’s Corporate Peer Challenge. The independent review team held over 50 meetings and interviewed 155 people over three days – from both GMCA and the wider Greater Manchester system, including senior representatives from local councils, the public sector, and business, voluntary, community, and social enterprise partners.
The GMCA peer review illustrates a sector-led approach to organisational improvement and strategic delivery across various services, including transport, economic growth, health, and more. Approximately ten months following the Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC), the GMCA underwent a Progress Review, a critical component of the CPC process.
This review provided a platform for the combined authority's senior leadership to present updates on the initial progress and garner feedback. It also allowed for reflection on new challenges or opportunities that emerged since the initial review, discussion of any support needs, and examination of the early impacts and learnings from the progress achieved thus far. This structured follow-up ensures continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving circumstances, reinforcing the commitment to effective governance and strategic development.