Visit our devolution and LGR hub for the latest information, support and resources
We offer councils a wide range of support on children's services improvement – on a free-of-charge or subsidised basis.
The aims of the programme are to:
- improve outcomes for the most vulnerable children and their families
- enable political and corporate leaders to understand and fulfil their role as corporate parent
- support leaders and leadership teams with their improvement journeys
- promote a whole council and partnership approach to improving social care and SEND outcomes
- improve outcomes for children in the early years with a particular focus on speech and language development
- strengthen strategic oversight of children’s services including corporate parenting and scrutiny arrangements.
These aims will be met through a range of support and development opportunities offered to leaders who contribute to the delivery of effective children’s services.
Local Government White Paper: summary
Local government is the key to solving some of our biggest national challenges. With the General Election taking place in July, now must be a time for change and new hope. With the right support and the right reforms, we can do much more to get better outcomes for residents in the places we represent, and for the whole country.
Leading for children: ‘Must Know’ for council leaders
Is your council in a strong position to continue to improve outcomes for children and young people and their families? This guide specifically developed for the council leader, has been shaped by current and former leaders, lead members and chief executives with experience of children’s services improvement.
It will explore your role, working with your lead member for children’s services (LMCS), chief executive (CE) and director of children’s services (DCS), in leading one of the most sensitive, expensive and high-risk areas of local government.
Featured pages

Children's Services peer challenge
We offer peer challenges and diagnostics to underpin the LGA sector led improvement support, assisting local authorities on their improvement journey. Our range of support offers are detailed below.

SEND Improvement Board Toolkit
View SEND Improvement Board Toolkit

Top tips for children’s services portfolio holders
View the top tips from portfolio holders for children's services.
In this section:
Children's Services peer challenge
'Must knows' for children's services portfolio holders
Model induction for a new portfolio holder for children’s services
Test of assurance offer – to review senior management structures
Making It Real
Children and Young People case studies
Corporate Parenting: LGA support, development and training offer
Councillor e-learning
Research and reports for children’s services improvement
LGA principal advisors and Children’s Improvement advisors (by region)
Early Years
Top ten tips for Directors of Children’s Services for building an effective system of SEND and alternative provision
Top tips for children’s services portfolio holders
Building a cyber resilient service: A guide for directors of children’s services
SEND and Alternative Provision: key questions for the lead member for children’s services to think about
Chief executives 'must know' for children’s services
Financial resilience in children’s services
Top tips for council leaders: early years speech, language and communication
Useful links:
- Chief executives 'must know' for children’s services
- Right Care, Right Person: Policing and mental health and welfare checks
- Reducing restrictive practice
- Childhood Matters (ADCS)
- Foreword - Children's mental health think pieces | Local Government Association
- A maturing approach to children’s services improvement: updating the key enablers of progress
- Inspecting local authority children’s services: Ofsted and the role of children’s services scrutiny - Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (
- Corporate parenting resource pack
- Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS)
- Upon's Aspirant Directors Programme
- LGA Children and Young People Board
- Children and young people case studies | Local Government Association
- Children and young people publications | Local Government Association
- Children's commissioner – The Big Ask, The Big Answer
- Family Hubs Network
- National Centre for Family Hub
- Resources for social workers | Local Government Association
- Total Leadership programme | Solace