We offer peer challenges and diagnostics to underpin the LGA sector led improvement support, assisting local authorities on their improvement journey. Our range of support offers are detailed below.
In response to continuing demand from local authorities and the ongoing pressures from external scrutiny (including the Ofsted ILACS framework), we have a number of peer reviews and diagnostics that have been designed to assist local authorities on their improvement journey.
We provide both on-site and remote peer challenges and diagnostics on a fully costed basis. LGA Principal Advisers for each region work alongside regional Children's Improvement Advisers, and they are responsible for determining appropriate peer support for local authorities in each region. Support can be fully or partly subsidised, based on a range of risk based criteria.
A two-day peer-led diagnostic followed by flexible offer of training and support which can be scaled as necessary to meet the level of support the council requires.
A three or four day review of Children's Services practice, the peer challenge is structured around three core areas with additional deep dive themes/diagnostic elements than can be added on as part of the scoping process. Length of challenge and size of team depends on the agreed scope.
A four day challenge to support the improvement of social mobility through early education with a particular focus on speech, language and communication. This challenge is part of the DfE’s Unlocking Talent, Fulfilling Potential and aims to reduce the word gap.
Children's resources and efficiency peer challenge
A three day peer challenge, this is designed to determine potential opportunities to control and reduce costs, ensure efficiencies and maximise positive outcomes in children’s services, including the identification of invest to save opportunities.
The LGA has a flexible approach to the varied requirements of local authorities and we are happy to discuss a bespoke approach to meet individual needs.
For peer challenges/diagnostics LGA subsidies will generally apply as follows:
LA under ministerial intervention following an ‘inadequate' Ofsted judgement – full subsidy from LGA
LA ‘requires improvement' following Ofsted judgement – LGA fund 50 per cent of cost
LA either ‘good' or ‘outstanding' following Ofsted judgement – LA fully funds all costs
Working closely alongside the LGA principal adviser in each region the CIA will be instrumental to the improvement of Children's Services within councils. The key purpose of the role is to:
provide support to the principal adviser and work with councils that have been identified for sector-led support, and develop strong relationships with lead members, chief executives and directors of Children's Services, building a clear understanding of their needs to identify innovative solutions, broker improvement strategies and ensure they are delivered
provide complementary support and assistance, where required, to existing regional sector led improvement programmes for children's services, and contribute to the development of the LGA's peer support service and support improvement in local authorities
deliver programmes to support and develop leadership and best practice in councils and support councils at risk, acting as a broker between the LGA and local authorities
commission additional capacity and expertise, facilitating staff development and change management programmes. Working with regional networks to ensure best practice, policies and partnerships are shared.
If you are interested in having a peer challenge or diagnostic in the first instance please contact Richard Cooke (details below) who will ensure the relevant principal Adviser is advised of your interest. Maximum lead-time for each offer is recommended (ideally three months) in order for the LGA to arrange the most suitableapeer team to meet your specific requirements and to undertake the preparation work to support findings.
Richard Cooke, Programme Manager (Children's Services), Local Government Support Team, LGA Telephone 07766 356 320 Email:[email protected]
This guidance manual is designed to help build an understanding of the purpose and methodology of a Children's Services resources and efficiency peer challenge. It is not intended to be prescriptive as each challenge will have its own individual features but the steps set out in the manual provide a firm base for ensuring that each peer challenge can be conducted successfully.