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Peer challenges we offer

Our highly valued peer challenge programme supports continuous improvement by providing effective insight, guidance and challenge to enable continuous improvement, as well as assurance to local leaders and residents.

Peer challenge is a core part of the LGA's sector support offer to councils and includes a range of free and charge/subsidised tools and support for councils.

Our sector-led improvement approach recognises that the responsibility of local government improvement should remain with councils. This is underpinned by the key principles that:

  • councils are responsible for their own performance
  • stronger local accountability leads to further improvement
  • councils have a sense of collective responsibility for the performance of the local government sector.

Through our regional teams and our peer support programmes, we offer councils tools and support to drive improvements and deliver on local ambitions.

Our highly valued peer challenge programme supports continuous improvement by providing effective insight, guidance and challenge to enable continuous improvement, as well as assurance to local leaders and residents. They cover a wide range of council functions and services and are delivered by expert councillor and officer peers, supported by our experienced regional support teams. 

It is expected that all councils will receive a fully subsidised corporate peer challenge at least every five years.

If you want to discuss a peer challenge in your council then please contact your regional LGA principal adviser. 

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