This monthly publication keeps you informed of key issues and developments in research impacting on, or of interest to, local government.
December 2024 Analysis and Research Bulletin
Welcome to the Local Government Association (LGA) Analysis and Research Bulletin.
This comprehensive monthly publication keeps you informed about key issues and developments in research impacting on local government.
The bulletin brings together the work of the LGA and also features relevant publications from the wider research community. The information in this bulletin is grouped under themed areas. This publication is produced by LGA Research and Information and we provide high-quality analysis and research across all aspects of local government.
A new archive providing back-dated copies of this bulletin is now available.
Education and young people
Pupil attendance in schools: 9 September to 6 December 2024 - England
This Department for Education (DfE) pupil attendance data provides information on the levels of attendance and overall, authorised and unauthorised absence in state-funded primary, secondary and special schools from 9 September to 6 December 2024 in England.
Survey of adult skills 2023: National report for England
This DfE adult skills report looks at the literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills of adults in England in comparison with other countries.
Key stage 2 attainment (revised): 2024 - England
These DfE statistics provide the results for the 2024 national curriculum assessments at key stage 2 for pupils in schools in England.
Childcare and early years providers survey: May to July 2024 - England
These DfE statistics provide information on the characteristics of early years providers in England between May and July 2024.
Elective home education: Autumn term 2024
This DfE publication provides data reported by local authorities on children of compulsory school age in elective home education in England during the autumn term 2024.
Parent, pupil and learner voice: omnibus surveys for December 2023 to May 2024 - England
These DfE publications provide the findings from regular omnibus surveys with primary and secondary school pupils’ parents or carers, secondary school pupils and 16 to 18 learners in England between December 2023 and May 2024.
Climate literacy amongst school leavers 2024 - England
This DfE analysis provides information on the 2024 Climate Literacy Survey which looked at the level of climate literacy amongst school leavers in England.
LA and school expenditure: 2023 to 2024 financial year
These DfE statistics show how schools and local authorities spent their funding on education, children's services and social care in the financial year 2023 to 2024 in England.
Provisional road traffic estimates, Great Britain: October 2023 to September 2024
These Department for Transport (DfT) provisional estimates for road traffic in Great Britain provide information for the year ending September 2024, by vehicle type and road class.
Road congestion and travel time, England: October 2023 to September 2024
These DfT statistics provide information about road congestion and travel times on the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and local 'A' roads in England between October 2023 and September 2024.
Road conditions in England to March 2024
These DfT statistics provide information on road conditions on local authority roads and National Highways managed roads in England to March 2024.
Transport and environment statistics: 1990 to 2022 - UK
These DfT statistics provide details of the environmental impacts of transport in the UK between 1990 and 2022, including greenhouse gases and air pollutants emitted from different transport modes.
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure statistics from April 2020 - UK
These DfT and the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) statistics provide information on theelectric vehicle charging infrastructure, including publicly available devices and grants provided by OZEV in the UK from April 2020.
Daily domestic transport use by mode since 1 March 2020 – Great Britain
These DfT statistics provide information on the daily usage of selected domestic transport by mode in Great Britain since 1 March 2020.
Quarterly bus fares statistics: July to September 2024 – Great Britain
These DfT statistics provide information on local bus fares in Great Britain for July to September 2024.
Annual bus statistics: year ending March 2024 (revised) – Great Britain ;
These DfT statistics provide information on local buses in Great Britain for the year ending March 2024.
Passenger rail usage: July to September 2024 ;
These Office of Rail and Road (ORR) quarterly passenger rail usage statistics provide information on the volume of passenger journeys, kilometres and revenue on the mainline network in Great Britain between July and September 2024.
Transport statistics Great Britain: 2023
This DfT report provides information on statistical trends in the British transport sector for the year 2023.
The children’s people and nature survey for England: 2024 update
This report from Natural England provides the results of the Children’s People and Nature Survey for England which includes information on how children and young people (aged eight to 15) experience and think about the natural environment.
UK food security report 2024
The UK Food Security Report (UKFSR) sets out an analysis of statistical data relating to food security in the UK. It examines past, current, and future trends relevant to food security.
Energy trends: Quarter three 2024 - UK
This publication the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero is a quarterly bulletin containing statistics on all major aspects of energy in the UK during Quarter Three 2024.
Local government
Reforming local government funding in England: The issues and options
This Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) report is the third in a series on funding for local public services in England. It looks at local government finance system issues, and the options for reform.
Metrics added to LG Inform this month include:
Patient discharge dates
NHS England monthly data for the discharge ready date has been added to LG Inform for the first time. In England for October 2024, the percentage of people who were discharged 1 or more days after their discharge ready date was 13.5 per cent. Of these 0.8 per cent were discharged after 21 days or more. The percentage of people who were delayed in their discharge, but discharged within 1 day of delay was 33.6 per cent for England.
Total acute bed days lost to delay in England for October 2024 was 268,933 compared to 247,727 in September 2024. Total acute bed days lost where the person was delayed but discharged within 21 days or more for England in October 2024 was 93,275 compared to 91,245 in September 2024.
Employment, pay and workforce
Soulbury officers pay and workforce: Survey of councils, July 2024
In summer 2024, the LGA distributed a survey to all councils in England and Wales which employed Soulbury officers. a special category of the local government workforce which includes a range of related roles in education and young people’s services. The report provides information related to pay and grading, working status, vacancies, workforce characteristics, and recruitment difficulties for these officers.
Local Government Disability Champions Network: Good practice case studies
The Local Government Disability Champions Network (LGDCN) commissioned this case study report, written by the Disability Policy Centre, and funded by the UK Government, to capture current and emerging practice taking place in local authorities across England and Wales who are demonstrating positive approaches to embedding co-production with Disabled officers and elected members across their areas of work.
Labour market overview - UK
This ONS labour market overview provides estimates of employment, unemployment, economic inactivity and other employment-related statistics for the UK as at December 2024.
Economic estimates: Employment and earnings in the digital sector, January 2023 to December 2023 - UK
These statistics from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology provide an estimate of the contribution of the digital sector to the UK economy between January and December 2023, measured by employment and employee earnings.
Forecasts for the UK economy
This HM Treasury publication provides a comparison of independent forecasts for the UK economy This month’s edition of the forecast comparison contains short-term forecasts for 2024 and 2025.
Economic activity and social change in the UK, real-time indicators: 19 December 2024
This ONS publication provides early experimental data and analysis on economic activity and social change in the UK.
Housing purchase affordability UK - 2023
These ONS statistics provide information on the ratios of house prices to annual disposable household incomes, by decile, for countries of the UK and regions of England in 2023.
Housing statistics for rural England
These Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) rural housing statistics provide details of housing stock: additions and affordable housing, housing costs: purchases and rentals, house purchase affordability, and second and empty homes in rural England.
Civil justice statistics quarterly: July to September 2024 – England and Wales
These Ministry of Justice (MoJ) statistics provide details of the volume of civil and judicial review cases dealt with by the courts between July and September 2024 in England and Wales and the overall timeliness of these cases.
Prison population projections: 2024 to 2029 – England and Wales
This MoJ data provides five-year projections for the population in prisons in England and Wales.
Seizures of drugs in England and Wales, financial year ending 2023. These Home Office figures provide information on seizures of drugs made by local police forces and the UK Border Force in England and Wales for the financial year ending 2023.
Criminal court statistics quarterly: July to September 2024 – England and Wales
These MoJ criminal court statistics provide information on the type and volume of cases received and processed through the criminal court system of England and Wales between July and September 2024, and include information on case timeliness.
Regular publications and events
Employer Standards Health Check Survey for Social Work & Occupational Therapy
The Health Check gives a voice to social workers, occupational therapists, and non-registered social care professionals. The results of the annual survey help employers understand the key challenges their workforce is facing. Last year over 15,000 people participated across 160 councils/organisations, who all received bespoke reports with their results. To opt-in this year, please fill in this form or for any queries please see our webpage or email [email protected].
National Institute for Health and Care research (NIHR) Academy regional events to learn more about NIHR fellowships for those working in local authorities, public health and social care
NIHR Academy, together with the NIHR RSS Specialist Centre for Public Health and the NIHR RSS Specialist Centre for Social Care are hosting three in-person events across England, in Birmingham, Exeter and Leeds to offer information, advice and support for individuals from local authorities considering applying for a NIHR Academy fellowship. Find out more and register to attend
Social Research Association (SRA) training courses
The SRA are currently offering a range of online training courses using Zoom.
SRA - Social Research Practice journal
The latest issue of the SRA's free e-journal is now available.
The Rees Centre newsletter
The Rees Centre newsletter is published every two months giving an update on their fostering related research activities and events along with a book review and a section on young voices.
Changing Populations newsletter
The latest newsletter from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Centre for Population Change is now available.
Child Welfare Inequalities Project (CWIP) news
The CWIP at Coventry University studies the links between deprivation and children’s chances of being unable to live safely within their birth families and also aims to establish child welfare inequalities as a core concept in policy making, practice and research. Information about current CWIP projects is available on the website.
NIHR School for Public Health Research
Sign-up to receive the latest news and updates from the NIHR School for Public Research including publications, funding opportunities, upcoming events and more. Sign-up here. Read the latest newsletter here.
Centre for Evaluation newsletter
The Centre for Evaluation develops interventions, systems and strategies to improve public health using rigorous evaluation methods. Visit the website to sign up for the Centre for Evaluation newsletter.
What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth newsletter
This regular newsletter from the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth provides the latest resources and evidence. Visit the website to sign up for the newsletter.
The Centre for Youth Impact newsletter
The Centre for Youth Impact is a community of organisations that work together to progress thinking and practice around impact measurement in youth work and services for young people. The latest Centre for Youth Impact newsletter is now available.
Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Newsletter
The CSA newsletter brings together the most up-to-date research into an accessible overview for frontline professionals and commissioners. Visit the website to sign up for the CSA newsletter.
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) Direct
This regular NFER newsletter provides research, industry insights and free resources and events. Sign up for the newsletter here.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) Centre for Evaluation
The Centre for Evaluation aims to improve the design and conduct of evaluations of complex public health interventions through the development, application and dissemination of rigorous methods, and facilitate the use of robust evidence to inform policy and practice decisions. The Centre produce a termly newsletter.
Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) newsletter
WCPP works to address key economic and societal challenges through the use of evidence and produce a regular newsletter
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) news alert
EEF news alerts provide information about teaching and learning toolkits, project evaluation reports, grant funding rounds and news and events.
NESTA is an innovation foundation which aims to tackle society’s big challenges. They produce a regular newsletter.
Research and Economic Analysis for the Long Term (REAL) Centre
The Health Foundation’s REAL Centre was set up to support long-term decision making in health and social care. Visit the website to sign up for regular updates.
Policy Bristol Newsletter
The Policy Bristol Newsletter provides regular policy updates and the latest policy research and events news.
ActEarly monthly bulletin
The AntennAE monthly e-bulletin provides the latest news and developments from Act Early.
The Health Foundation newsletter
This monthly newsletter from The Health Foundation provides details about funding opportunities, latest publications and blogs, and the latest news from the world of UK health care.
The Learning and Work Institute newsletter
This monthly newsletter from the Learning and Work Institute provides news updates, latest publications and blogs.