Your LGA membership 2023 pack

We hope that this membership pack demonstrates the value of councils working together through the LGA as your national voice.

Strap of coloured circle, triangle and square shapes

There’s no doubt that 2023 was a difficult year for councils in many ways. But throughout those 12 months, as you worked hard for your people and places, the LGA stood up for the sector in Westminster, Whitehall and across the media.

We focused on your priorities: long-term and sustainable funding; adult social care; children’s services; asylum and refugee resettlement; housing and planning; the climate emergency; and representing local government in the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

In 2024, we will continue to work hard on your behalf as we seek to build the strongest possible case for a long-term, sustainable funding solution and reset the central and local government relationship.

Read the 'Your LGA membership 2023 pack' to see some of the things that we have delivered for councils across England and Wales since April 2023.

Your LGA membership pack 2023