2.1 How do I apply?
You will be required to complete an on-line application form, providing details of your professional qualifications and experience, including any specialisms. You also have the option to upload a CV which, although not essential, is a useful way of providing additional details about your professional skills and experience.
Please note that you can only submit one application onto the register. Therefore, please ensure you have completed your application fully, and are happy with the content, before completing the declaration page on which you submit your application. Once an application has been submitted it cannot be edited.
2.2 I’ve entered my details – what happens now?
In registering with Environmental Health Together, you are sharing information about your experience and skills with prospective employers. However, please note that we cannot guarantee employment.
Local authorities can use the online portal to search for environmental health professionals who match the skills and working patterns they require and contact them if a suitable opportunity becomes available. With the local response to coronavirus (COVID-19) constantly evolving, this may take some time and we thank you for your patience. In the meantime, you will receive information about how to access our online ‘green room’, where you will find links to useful reading material.
2.3 The website says ‘vacancy’ - am I applying for a specific role or just expressing my interest in supporting the coronavirus (COVID-19) effort?
You are expressing your interest in the COVID-19 effort, letting local authorities know about your skills and experience and your availability. You are not applying for a specific vacancy.
2.4 What sort of role will I be offered?
This will vary depending upon your experience and the details you have entered around your availability and preferred working patterns.
2.5 What if I am offered a role I don’t want?
If a local authority reviews your details and matches them to their needs, they will be in contact with you for a discussion about potential roles. Entering your details does not commit you to taking on a role - you do not have to accept a role that you don’t want.
2.6 I have specialist skills and experience – will I be matched to a suitable role or specialism?
There are likely to be a variety of different roles available. Make sure that you include as much detail and information about your skills and experience in your application. Employers will be using this information to match people to particular roles. Also, employers will discuss any role with you prior to commencement to ensure you are a good match to it.
2.7 I am in process of applying to be a Track and Tracer. Should I sign up to the Register too or would this be duplication?
The roles within the Register are likely to be broader but could include contact tracing. This is therefore not duplication of any central track and trace work. They are two different things.
2.8 Will I have a choice about where I work and how far I want to travel?
Yes, during the application process you will be asked to state in which part of the country you would prefer to work. Whilst only local authorities in England will be able to access the Register, it is anticipated some roles may be able to be delivered remotely, so registrations are invited from across the UK. You will also be asked, when making your application, whether you would prefer remote or onsite work as well as your preferred days and hours.
We expect local authorities and employers to work together through their local and regional structures, to ensure that those who are offered roles are placed in areas where there is the greatest need. You are not required to take a role that is offered, and employers will endeavour to provide a role which is right for you
2.9 What is to stop recruitment companies using the register and cold calling those on the register?
Access to the Register is strictly limited to local authorities. This is vetted and controlled by the Local Government Association (LGA), no-one else can see who is on the register including fellow applicants. Recruitment agencies will not be able to access your details.
2.10 I signed up to the CIEH voluntary register - what is the difference?
A direct response by CIEH to the COVID-19 pandemic was to set up a voluntary register of EHPs who are willing to volunteer their time to the cause. The Environmental Health Together Register is a logical next step, as it includes those who only wish to work voluntarily as well as those looking for paid employment. The CIEH Volunteer Register is now closed. If you still wish to volunteer or indeed take up a paid position, please register on Environmental Health Together. We have written to those on the volunteer register to notify them of the changes.
2.11 As part of the registration process you require details of former employers. I’ve been a freelancer for some time; how could I address this?
We recommend you provide a reference from a recent client. Ultimately, it is for employers to decide if they are happy with your references, you should discuss it with them during the recruitment process.