The LGA Articles of Association allows member authorities with common characteristics to form groupings of authorities to express a sectional interest.
It is open to any 10 or more full member authorities with common features, interests or concerns, to form a Special Interest Group (SIG), Under exceptional circumstances, the LGA Board may agree to the establishment of SIGs for smaller groups of authorities.
SIGs are able to make representations direct to Government and elsewhere on matters arising directly from their special interest, and to obtain LGA assistance in doing so. All SIGs are required to submit a full report at the end of April each year to the LGA Board, covering such matters as their dealings with Government departments. SIGs are established for five years, and continuation of the SIG for longer than five years will be subject to SIG Member Councils restating the case for maintaining the SIG to the LGA Board.
All current LGA SIGs and the relevant contact details are listed below.
Special Interest Groups which operate under the umbrella of the LGA
ALGAO has four key objectives: to provide a strong voice for local authority historic environment services and promote these within local government to strengthen and develop their role within local government in delivering local, regional and national government policy; to ensure that local government historic environment services are included within policy (national, regional and local) for culture and education; to ensure that policy aims to improve the sustainable management of the historic environment; and to promote development of high standards in the historic environment profession.
The LGA Coastal SIG exists to champion the collective interests of coastal communities by increasing awareness and debate on environmental, economic and social issues at all levels in relation to the coast. We have a membership of 57 coastal local authorities. Together we cover 60% of England’s coastline and serve 16 million people.
Lead Member: Cllr Ernest Gibson Lead Officer: Rebecca Lofts Email: [email protected] Address: Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, NE33 2RL Telephone: 07787 697832 ebsite: LGA Coastal SIG
Lead Member: Cllr Louise Gittins, Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council and Chair of the CCIN Lead Officer: Jonathan Downs, Corporate Policy Lead, Oldham Council Email: [email protected] Address: Oldham Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham, OL1 1UL Telephone: 0161 770 5691 Website: Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network (CCIN)
Lead Member: Cllr Tim Oliver, CCN Chairman-Elect Lead Officer: Simon Edwards, Chief Executive Email: [email protected] Address: 18 Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ Telephone: 0207 664 3002 Website: County Councils Network (CCN)
Lead Member: Chairman: Cllr Alex Dale, Cabinet Member for Education, Derbyshire County Council Lead Officer: Secretary: Karen Westcott Email: [email protected] Address: DTW, Kevin Edward House, Market Place, Guisborough, North Yorkshire, TS14 6BN Telephone: 07545 210067
Lead Authority: South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership (Boston, East Lindsey and South Holland) Lead contact officer: Christine Marshall Role: Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151, SELCP Email: [email protected]
Key Cities comprise 26 of England's mid-sized cities, covering the length and breadth of England. These cities, with a combined GVA of £163 billion and population of 7.9 million, play a key role in their regional economies Lead Member: Cllr John Merry Lead Officer: Jon Stancombe Email: [email protected] Address: Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford, M27 5FJ Telephone: 07967424591 Website: Key Cities
The Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) is the UK's leading collaborative shareholder engagement group. It aims to protect fund and beneficiaries' long term investment interests, by promoting the highest standards of corporate governance and corporate responsibility amongst the companies in which they invest. Lead Member: LAPFF Executive Committee Lead Officer: Cllr Doug McMurdo, LAPFF Chair Email: [email protected] Address: C/O PIRC Ltd, Exchange Tower, 8th Floor, Suite 8.02, 2 Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9GE Website: Local Authority Pension Fund Forum
The National Association of Police, Fire and Crime Panels will represent the views and interests of police and crime panels / police, fire and crime panels, which are hosted by local authorities and on which all English and Welsh authorities outside London are represented. Contact: Emma Tombs (Secretary) Telephone: 03330 322709 Email: [email protected] Website: National Association of Police, Fire and Crime Panels (NAPFCP)
SASIG works for local authorities in a strategic manner on national aviation policy to reconcile economic, social and environmental issues. All LGA local authorities with an airport in or near their jurisdiction are welcome to join the SIG. Please contact us for a discussion about the work of the group.
Contact: SASIG Secretariat Telephone 07860 218477 – n.b. in the event we cannot take your call, please leave a message with full inquiry and contact details. Email: [email protected] Website: