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Special Interest Groups

The LGA Articles of Association allows member authorities with common characteristics to form groupings of authorities to express a sectional interest.

It is open to any 10 or more full member authorities with common features, interests or concerns, to form a Special Interest Group (SIG), Under exceptional circumstances, the LGA Board may agree to the establishment of SIGs for smaller groups of authorities.

Download an application to form an LGA SIG.

SIGs are able to make representations direct to Government and elsewhere on matters arising directly from their special interest, and to obtain LGA assistance in doing so. All SIGs are required to submit a full report at the end of April each year to the LGA Board, covering such matters as their dealings with Government departments. SIGs are established for five years, and continuation of the SIG for longer than five years will be subject to SIG Member Councils restating the case for maintaining the SIG to the LGA Board.

All current LGA SIGs and the relevant contact details are listed below.

Special Interest Groups which operate under the umbrella of the LGA