The largest challenge for nutrient neutrality is the current lack of national involvement towards strategically addressing the issue. Until the national ‘nutrient mitigation scheme’ announcement from Natural England, limited support has been received from government to address the issues nationally. Instead, the focus has been placed on individual Councils to deliver their own mitigation.
The council is aware that the issue affects each catchment differently, however there are still a number of issues that apply to all the Councils universally. This includes the impact on housing land supply and housing delivery test. Whilst the government previously set out that they would address the wider ramifications of nutrient neutrality on housing land supply through Planning Practice Guidance during Summer 2022 (Chief Planning Officer’s letter dated 21 July 2022), to date there has been no further update or any indication of when the update will be happening. The Council awaits further updates with anticipation and is hopeful that the government will provide clarity regarding these issues.
The council is supportive of the funding provided to each affected catchment to fund nutrient mitigation work, however this is considered a small sum of money, when compared to the projected costs of developing a catchment wide strategy, such as the delivery of strategic wetlands.
Whilst the council welcomes the news that Natural England intend to deliver a Nutrient Mitigation Scheme, Natural England need to provide greater clarity with regard to the timescales predicted to implement a suitable and effective solution.
Another challenge is the impact of the nutrient neutrality advice on areas outside of the catchment, and the implications that this has for sustainable development and growth. Within Ashford borough, around half of the borough’s land mass is covered by the catchment. The areas not caught by the nutrient neutrality requirement are inherently more unsustainable, rural in nature and often include sensitive environmental protections.
Whilst the catchment only covers 50 per cent of the borough geographically, it covers around 90 per cent of the housing site allocations which were identified in the adopted Ashford Local Plan. This includes the urban area surrounding Ashford town, which is identified as the most sustainable location within the borough. Therefore, the most sustainable parts of the borough now have a significant constraint. The remaining areas, outside the catchment, which are more environmentally sensitive are therefore left ‘exposed’ to speculative development.
The council has seen a rise in the number of applications and appeals for larger schemes being promoted in areas outside the catchment. Many of these refer to the challenges of nutrient neutrality as a means to justify the contribution of their site to help reduce the shortfall in housing supply. The council’s view is that it should not be the requirement of the areas outside the catchment to ‘pick up the slack’ of housing delivery to over-provide, i.e. accommodate any shortfall, if it fundamentally conflicts with the borough’s recently adopted housing strategy (considered ‘sound’ through the Local Plan examination), and/or would result in harm by other means for example, to landscape character. To do so, would result in the unsustainable growth of these areas. It also decreases residents’ confidence in planning system and a plan-led approach, when planning applications have been granted at appeal in the areas outside the council, despite conflict with the Local Plan.
The council remain very much of the view that there needs to be government intervention at a national level to help address this issue, including by providing exceptions to the housing land supply and housing delivery test requirements for the affected LPAs.