How was support identified?
We engaged with councils through the regional ADASS meetings to discuss workforce planning and our workforce modelling and capacity planning tool. Councils were offered support to understand their adult social care workforce data at a place level and to consider the implications of the data for a more collaborative approach to strategic workforce planning. The London borough did not have a workforce strategy, so the ADASS SLI Lead at the time facilitated further discussion with us on the direct support offer.
What was the issue?
Most adult social care (ASC) workforce strategies tend to focus internally on the directly employed workforce, however workforce data indicated that the internal workforce makes up just 9 per cent of the ASC workforce. If we want to deliver high quality of care, this will be limited without investment across the whole workforce. In addition, there are shared challenges across different organisations and that a more collaborative approach could be more effective. The London borough recognised this, so to build capacity and expertise they recruited a strategic workforce lead and engaged with our support offered to facilitate greater collaboration across the borough and engender a shared understanding of challenges.
What support was delivered and who was involved?
A data pack was produced using the workforce modelling and capacity planning tool and providing the London borough with a workforce profile for the current workforce and the projected workforce needed in five years. This provides a place-based view of vacancies, anticipated growth, turnover and the scale of recruitment required each year. Two workshops were held with a range of senior managers for different council-provided services, together with representatives from HR and several care providers. In addition, coaching support has been provided to the strategic lead to support her in producing a more collaborative workforce strategy.
What difference did this make?
The London borough developed a workforce strategy which includes the commissioned workforce, enabling a more collaborative approach to developing the workforce over the next five years. There is buy-in and commitment across the council and with providers to work together to implement this and take a collaborative approach to social care recruitment.
“This is incredibly helpful. I totally agree with all of your reflections, and actually a couple of them we have gone round in circles with already. Thank you so much – the most helpful feedback I have received in a long time. I really appreciate your time reading this document and providing such detailed feedback.” – Strategic Workforce Lead, London Borough Council
…a big thank you – this is the first time I have requested this level of support - and I was really pleased with the outcome.”