LLR Girls Can in the Community Fund:
Using Sport England This Girl Can funding, we launched a LLR Girls Can in the Community small grants across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland, designed to support community groups to start a new or to sustain a physical activity programme for women and girls.
£9073 was invested into 21 different projects across seven areas of LLR. Approximately 930 women benefited from a new or sustained physical activity offer. 19 groups (90%) were directly supporting those with living with a long-term health condition and 12 groups (57%) were directly supporting those from ethnic diverse communities. 16 groups (76%) were directly supporting those from low socio-economic groups. These statistics highlight where we can see true impact within our underserved communities and create sustainable change to physical activity opportunities.
Active Menopause:
In collaboration with our local Physical Activity and Health teams, we delivered 4 My Active Menopause sessions. The offer was a two-week programme (two sessions over two weeks) to introduce women to physical activity for the management of their symptoms. Each session lasted for two hours. Across the four events, 55 women attended, with nearly half living with one or more long-term health conditions. Colleagues from LLR Mind, Social Prescribing and Local Area Coordination teams, Age UK, Talking Therapies, Primary Care Networks and local leisure centres attended to introduce their local support offer. This gave the women an opportunity to hear from passionate professionals regarding programmes that demonstrate longevity and advocacy for women's health. Physical activity included an hour of menopause yoga and a menopause strength and resistance session, led by specialist menopause instructors. Our sessions concluded with an open and honest sharing of lived experiences through a Q&A. As a result, four new menopause offers have been developed across Leicestershire, and there continues to be an increasing energy around developing further menopause support.
Speaking on the Active Menopause support, local women said:
“I finally feel seen. The sessions have certainly opened my to how little exercise I’ve been doing. So I’m now starting to take action to change that which has been a really useful confidence boost. It has given me some hope and positivity on a way forward.”
“It was fantastic to see so many ladies sharing their experiences and developing their knowledge about the importance of physical activities as they navigate their Menopause journey.”
“I was really keen to find some regular activity that will boost my energy, improve my strength and be sustainable for me to keep up long term. Active Menopause has shown me that this is possible and I now look forward to getting out and moving every day.”
Active Menopause Community of Learning:
- Active Together are leading a national ‘Active Menopause Community of Learning’ – a network of other Active Partnership colleagues looking to influence the menopause agenda at a national level and create a national impetus and conversation around women’s health.
Creation of a local women’s health platform and resources:
- ‘LLR Girls Can’ webpage, directing women to information at all stages of life (menstrual health, pregnancy, pelvic health, menopause, sexual health, mental health and cancers.) The page includes information around how physical activity can support you at any stage of life and includes a directory of local female-only physical activity opportunities.
- ‘Active Menopause’ webpage covering FAQs, how physical activity can help to manage symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, menopause in the workplace (for women and employers), diet, prescribed and non-prescribed treatments, local physical activity opportunities, multiple ‘follow’ along activity videos, four webinars on diet and nutrition, and web links to further useful resources / websites.
- Creation of ‘Physical Activity for Perimenopausal and Menopausal Women’ flyer (based on the physical activity guidelines for adults from the Chief Medical officer). Covers relevant information in bitesize and accessible chunks.
- Creation of ‘Your Guide to an Active Menopause’, a 24-page booklet covering six types of physical activity (aerobic, strength & resistance, flexibility, impact, desk-based, functional) with pictures, top tips, instructional ‘how-to’s’, and importantly relating all information to how physical activity can support the management of your symptoms. The guide also covers pelvic health and pelvic floor exercises.
- We also distributed t-shirts, medals, shoelaces and water bottles branded with ‘LLR Girls Can’ which helped to develop a community spirt of local female activity.
All resources were written in collaboration with a women’s health specialist.