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London Borough of Merton: Community Fridge & Food Response Network

From October 2021 - May 2022, Merton’s Community Fridge Network saved over 27,200kg of food from going to waste, equivalent to 58,600 meals and 77,300kg of CO2.

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About the programme

From October 2021 - May 2022, Merton’s Community Fridge Network saved over 27,200kg of food from going to waste, equivalent to 58,600 meals and 77,300kg of CO2, an good example of the positive impact a community can have when residents, businesses and organisations come together to take action on food insecurity and climate change.

This year Sustainable Merton is also coordinating Merton’s Food Poverty Response Network on behalf of Merton Council, working with 15 other local charitable organisations and faith groups. The network’s aim is to take a collaborative approach to address food insecurity in the borough, bringing together the combined skills and resources of lunch clubs, foodbanks, community fridges and transport services, identifying geographical areas of need and proactively finding solutions.

One pilot project born from this network is the collaboration between Merton’s Community Fridge and Clarion Housing Association. An over 55s Clarion Housing scheme in the borough was identified as having residents in need and who are socially isolated. This will be the home of their first ‘Satellite Community Fridge’, empowering residents in running the Fridge whilst providing the support, training and provisions required. Upon success the plan is to roll the model out into other areas within the borough, building communities through interaction, saving food waste and fighting food insecurity in one.



Jude King, [email protected]