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Using the Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) to improve benefit take-up

Richmond and Wandsworth councils have used the Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) to identify households who may be eligible for different benefits, but not claiming them.

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Richmond and Wandsworth councils have used the Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) to identify households who may be eligible for different benefits, but not claiming them. 

The tracker brings together data from multiple sources to build a picture of households in need and their potential entitlements. The councils have used this information to run multiple take-up campaigns, including encouraging residents to claim Pension Credit and Free School Meals. The total financial benefit following these LIFT campaigns is over £2 million across the two boroughs.

The challenge

There are several barriers that prevent residents from taking up benefits, including households not knowing which benefits they might be eligible for and the complexity of making claims. The provision of general cost of living support can feel overwhelming to residents due to the quantity of information provided, making it difficult for residents to work out which parts apply to their specific circumstances.

The solution

The LIFT platform enables the council to run targeted take-up campaigns for specific groups of residents. This means residents receive information that is specific to their circumstances, and the communications they receive have clearly defined actions. Contact details for further support in completing an application are always included in these communications. 

Wherever possible, we work closely with voluntary sector partners to offer this support. We have also looked to run opt-out campaigns facilitating auto enrollment (such as for Free School Meals), which have been received positively and further reduce the barriers to making a claim. We receive support from Policy in Practice, the provider of the LIFT platform, to deliver these campaigns and to scope future campaigns. 

The impact

The two campaigns with the largest financial impact so far have been for Pension Credit and Free School Meals. A breakdown of this impact is detailed below: 

Pension Credit 2023 Richmond Wandsworth
Annual amount received



Backdated amount received



2023 Cost of Living payments



Total yearly benefit



Free School Meals Richmond Wandsworth
Yearly extra pupil premium funding received by schools



Yearly saving on school meal spending by families



Other financial benefit so far (Summer holiday food vouchers, school uniform support scheme funding)



Total yearly benefit



There have been several other campaigns. These include using LIFT data to provide low-income households who have poor EPC ratings with warm packs (estimated to save each household £200 on heating bills yearly with a total estimated saving of £550k in reduced energy bills to households in Richmond and Wandsworth). 

A pilot exercise was also undertaken using LIFT data to support a small number of households with council rent arrears to reduce these. This resulted in a predicted rent reduction of just under £7k over 12 months across those households and this proactive work is being built into business-as-usual practice. In addition, a 2024 Pension Credit campaign is currently underway and has already generated £227k in additional annual income to 62 households across Richmond and Wandsworth.

How is the new approach being sustained?

The Cost of Living team are working with other services across both councils to embed LIFT into their ways of working. This includes the Free School Meals campaign being incorporated into business-as-usual work for the School Support Team, and the Revenues team using LIFT to identify residents who will be migrated onto UC to provide further support to them. There are also several specific benefit uptake campaigns planned in the coming months, such as for Attendance Allowance and water social tariffs. In addition, a 2024 Pension Credit campaign is currently underway and has already generated £450k in additional annual income to 122 households across Richmond and Wandsworth.

Lessons learned

  • Auto-enrolment can improve the uptake of benefits by residents who may not otherwise have made a claim.
  • Sound partnership working is key to running successful campaigns both internally within the Councils and with voluntary sector partners. It is difficult for internal and external teams to provide support if they are not aware of which campaigns are happening.
  • Data-sharing within the council and between the council and its partners can enable targeted Cost of Living communications, which are more helpful for residents to receive than generic ones.


Rebecca Burmiston

Email: [email protected]