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Local employment and skills recovery learning hub

As part of our government funded sector-led improvement offer we have created the Employment and Skills Learning Hub, which includes a number of resources to help councils understand and develop their thinking around employment and skills programmes as we emerge from the pandemic.

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Throughout the pandemic, local government has been trusted to coordinate employment, training and business support for their local area. Many set up redundancy taskforces, delivered grants to businesses, supported employers to create new Kickstart placements and created more within their own councils, and kept adults learning through community provision and online support.

As the vaccine is rolled out and the economy opens up, local government is turning its attention to planning and supporting recovery. Below are resources to share learning across the sector.

L&W top tips for local employment and skills recovery briefings 

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This series of briefings provides you with an introduction to key issues that will need to be addressed post pandemic in order to boost employment, skills and recovery.


Local government's role in coordinating jobs and training support during the pandemic.

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Produced by Rocket Science, this resource includes thirteen in-depth case studies showing the practical measures local government has taken to develop an employment and training offer during the crisis and as they look ahead to recovery. Bringing all this together, an accompanying report captures key learning points for the wider sector about how they can continue to deliver into recovery.

Emerging themes

Although each council approached their response in different ways, there were some common themes emerging about their experiences and situations.  Whether they were focused on shifting their service to online, working directly with businesses to mitigate impact or developing a coherent council-wide response, there have been some big shifts in the position of their employment and skills functions and offer and this provides important learning for the whole sector.

We identified five main themes:

You can download the full report to read more.