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Increasing active travel eg via bicycle or walking

How can we increase active travel, namely though cycling and walking?

  • What behaviour are you trying to change? Eg going for a 30-minute bike ride to visit a friend

  • Whose behaviour are you trying to change? Eg people aged 16-60 years old
  • Where are you trying to change the behaviour? From home and on the roads and parks

  • When are you trying to change the behaviour? Eg in the evenings and weekends
  • How often are you trying to change the behaviour? Eg around three times per week

What are the drivers/barriers to cycle for travel?

Do your communities have the capability to increase active travel? Psychological capability

Do they know how to safely cycle on the roads? Do they remember what they learnt in their cycling proficiency at school, if they did one? Do they know how to get hold of a bike? Do they plan to use a bike for their travels to see friends, or to commute? Do they know how much they are cycling?

Do your communities have the capability to increase active travel? Physical capability

Do they have the stamina to ride a bike for 30 minutes? Are they sober?

Do your communities have the opportunity to increase active travel? Physical opportunity

Do they own a bike? Do they have the time to research what a good bike is? Do they have a lock, lights and helmet to ensure safety? Are there enough places out and about to lock the bike safely? Can they afford to buy a bike and cycling accessories/equipment? Is there a space to keep a bike at home? Do they live in a place which has safe roads and parks nearby to practice?

Do your communities have the opportunity to increase active travel? Social opportunity

Do their friends, colleagues and neighbours cycle? Could they cycle together? Do their friends and family support and encourage them to cycle? Do people around them judge them for what they are wearing whilst the are cycling, or do they think exercise gear is cool? Is there a pressure to conform to the norm and not cycle? Does someone in the community model the behaviour of cycling?

Do your communities have the motivation to increase active travel? Automatic motivation

Are they worried about injuring themselves on the roads, or by being knocked over by another road user? Are they in the habit or taking public transport, or taking the car? Do they fear they might not be able to cope with certain extreme weather conditions? Do they enjoy driving, as opposed to cycling?

Do your communities have the motivation to increase active travel? Reflective motivation

Do they plan to use their bike to meet a friend – have they planned where they’ll lock the bike whilst they go shopping, for example? Do they believe that cycling on the roads is dangerous? Do they identify more with the label “driver” rather than “cyclist”?


What interventions could you use?


  • News feed containing information on how much exercise has been done on a bike and walking compared to car use e.g an app like Strava (Psychological capability)


  • A persuasion campaign to help reduce fear around cycling (Automatic motivation)


  • Incentivised to cycle by employers thanks to schemes such as “Cycle2work” (Automatic motivation)

  • "You’ve stopped throwing money down the drain on petrol and begun saving for something of your choice to reward yourself with"

    "You can look forward to cleaner air in your local area!"

    Reward system on an app like Strava (Reflective motivation)


  • Training program to build stamina for cycling (Physical capability)

  • A cycling proficiency course (online or in person) provided by the council, or members of the community (psychological capability)

  • Park and ride becoming a park and pedal

    Introducing pop up cycle lanes

    A pedestrianised street to encourage you to walk or cycle, not get in the car

    A sign in the car: ‘Burn calories, not carbon’ (Physical opportunity)

  • Leave your bike gear by the door to help kick a habit of taking the car or public transport (Automatic motivation)


  • A park cycle with members of the community (akin to park run) (Social opportunity)


  • An app/diary or another tool to create your own carbon budget/diary

    Use apps such as google maps, or Komute to plan your route in advance, making a plan of when and where you’ll walk or cycle so you feel confident and safe

    A bike provided by the cycle to work scheme at your place of work (Physical opportunity)