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A list of free image libraries suitable for council and local government use.
Know of a suitable image library that could be included? Please email [email protected].
- Unsplash, Pixabay, Shotstash and Pexels all provide high quality stock images covering a wide range of topic areas. It's likely you already use one of these libraries regularly, but it's worth checking others if you can't find what you're looking for.
- Sport England have developed an inclusive image library for sport and physical activity. The library is free to use, you just need to register with Sport England if you haven't already.
- Active Images offers a range of sport, physical activity and active travel images. All their images are free to use, whether it’s for your social media, website, newsletters or even print material.
- Better Allies hosts a number of links to free and paid for image libraries that feature people from underrepresented groups.
- Nappy image library provides a range of stock images featuring Black and Brown people with the mission to make it easier for companies and organisations to use photos that really represent the communities around us.
- The Centre for Ageing Better have launched an age-positive image library to tackle negative stereotypes of later life.
- The Mental Health Foundation have a positive mental health image library which shows realistic images of the things people do to look after their mental health.