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COVID-19: Behavioural insights case studies

A series of case studies showing how councils are using behaviour change techniques to increase vaccine uptake and COVID-19 regulation adherence.

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Local government is central to the successful rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, and councils are applying behavioural science techniques to help navigate the challenges around vaccine uptake and COVID-19 regulation adherence.

Behavioural science provides frameworks and theories to help understand how and why residents are behaving as they are. Importantly, it can also help us craft campaigns and develop solutions to directly address (or help people overcome) barriers to vaccine take up.   

This resource is currently a collection of case studies from councils using behavioural science. In the coming weeks, it will be developed to bring together learnings from the latest academic research, important findings from related fields and guidance on how to apply these learnings in your own council.

If you have any best practice to share on this topic, or questions please contact [email protected]

Cllr Peter Fleming

Chair of LGA Improvement and Innovation board.