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Impact: The Local Government Graduate Programme – Alumni

Our alumni network includes over 2,000 former participants of the programme who are continuing their careers in local government, the wider public sector and beyond.

a diverse group of young women siting on a table and talking about a project

Please note that our alumni may be referred to as ‘NGDP alumni’ or ‘Impact alumni’ in light of the re-branding of the programme.  

Our alumni continue to make a real difference across the sector, bringing their leadership skills and experience to a wide variety of roles in local government, including senior managers, directors and even chief executives. 

On this page you can find information about further development opportunities, case studies from alumni and information about our Impact Alumni Ambassadors. 

Stay in touch

Are you alumni of the programme? We would love to hear from you! Please complete the short form below to update your contact details and stay in touch with the team at the LGA and news about Impact. 

Impact alumni form

If you are not already a member, please join our Impact Alumni group on LinkedIn.

Impact Alumni Ambassadors

Our Alumni Ambassadors continue to represent the programme across local government, helping Impact to grow and supporting councils, candidates and current trainees by sharing their career journeys, knowledge and experience.  

The below case studies reference the ‘NGDP’ – the former name for the programme. Please note the content and structure remains the same despite the new name.  

Read about our ambassadors below:

We are developing this offer and are looking for more alumni to get involved! If you are interested in becoming an Alumni Ambassador or finding out more, please get in touch with [email protected]

Continue your development

The LGA runs a number of programmes and development opportunities for councillors and officers in local authorities, as well as events throughout the year on a range of topics. 

LGA’s officer development programmes

Upcoming LGA events