This programme supports 10 councils to work with specific cohorts of residents to support those who haven’t had the skills, confidence or infrastructure to go online so they can benefit from the potential for digital tools and solutions to contribute to improving life outcomes.
£19,500 | The aim is to provide personalised answers to citizens over the phone using simple voice bots and natural language processing. This will allow a citizen to call and ask about a service and get these frequently asked questions, dealt with without the intervention of staff.
£20,000 |Kent Libraries, Registration & Archives introduced The Touch A New World scheme in 2013. The scheme enables home bound residents to borrow tablet devices & receive visits from IT buddies. Working in partnership with the University of Kent the aim is to refresh the kit available and upskill LRA IT buddies in digital accessibility tools.
£15,000 | Achieving for Children wish to implement a Chatbot for the Kingston and Richmond Local Offer website, to allow, children, young people and families some with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to quickly access services.
£20,000 | A pilot digital inclusion outreach programme supporting residents in a targeted area. 3 sheltered blocks consisting of a high proportion of elderly residents and one of the most deprived areas in the country, residents are reliant on council services yet digital skills are lacking, connectivity is poor, & there is low access to online council services. The pilot will deliver coordinated one-to-one & group digital training through the roll out of 4G enabled recycled laptops.
£18,000 | A collaborative approach between Middlesbrough Council’s Staying Put Agency and Age UK will support elderly and disabled people to improve their ability to access the internet to reduce the impact/risk of loneliness and isolation.
£19,400 | This proposal is to shift services to voice channels and assist enabling digitally excluded people in the rural areas of Harrogate and Craven district to access Council, Health and LA partner services using personal virtual assistants.
£15,000 | This project will support residents over 65's get online by working with them to develop their skills, confidence and helping them overcome motivational barriers. The project will put in place a Digital Champion to lead this work and co-ordinate activities with partners & the public to support older people get online.
£20,000 | The Council proposes to purchase 20 licences/support for the Brain in Hand (BiH) smart phone app to support 20 young adults that have SEN or HAS, who are moving from children’s social care to adult’s social care.
£20,000 | LBTH is setting out to use the Digital Log Book (DLB) as a medium to support and encourage a target group, i.e. those residents receiving support through WorkPath and from Benefits Outreach advisors to get online and to access the Verify (or potentially another comparable) digital identity to enable them do their business online with the council and other public services.
£20,000 | To install Fixed Access iPads in Sheltered Housing across North East Essex, and engage with and offer residents group classroom events, individual 1:2:1’s and drop in sessions, both using the fixed iPads and on their own devices.