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Counter fraud hub: Outcomes of the Counter Fraud Fund

The report looks at the outcomes and savings made from the Counter Fraud Fund (CFF), established by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), for which councils were able to bid in the autumn of 2014. The purpose of the fund was to support councils during the implementation of the Single Fraud Investigation Service (SFIS) as well as to increase the capacity and capability of local government to tackle losses from non-benefit fraud.

The reports sets out to capture the learning from the 60 successful bids in terms of both how the fund was developed and managed at the local level together with the links with other relevant agencies (including MHCLG); the impact of the programme to date; and any lessons and insights that could be gained from participating councils that could feed into future activity in this area.

Outcomes of the Counter Fraud Fund 

Annex A - MHCLG Counter Fraud Fund successful bids 

Annex B - Questionnaire sent to all successful bidders to complete