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A national recruitment campaign for local government

As part of our Sector Support offer 2024/25, we have developed a national recruitment campaign, co-produced with Solace and the local government sector. The campaign aims to attract new talent and highlight the benefits that a career in local government can offer.

Our Sector Support offer 2024/25, funded by the UK Government, provides local authorities with vital tools and support to deliver critical services to communities while helping to drive change and improvement in all regions. This includes a leadership offer which supports councils to attract new talent and develop greater skills and capability.

As part of this work, we have developed a flagship recruitment campaign, co-produced with Solace and the local government sector, to attract new talent and increase capacity in the sector. 

Download the presentation: 

Make a Difference, Work for your Local Council

The ‘Make a Difference, Work for Your Local Council’ campaign aims to enhance the good work councils are doing to attract talent by encouraging individuals to explore career opportunities in local government that have a direct and lasting impact on the lives of residents.

The campaign highlights the variety of job opportunities available that enable people to be a part of meaningful change, whether in children's social care, environmental health, planning, finance, or another vital role in the sector.

The national rollout has included the creation of new imagery, videos and audio with individuals working in these areas, featuring real-life voices from the sector that represent the communities’ councils serve.

Work for your local council banner image

Jobseekers can explore hundreds of roles available to them through the new campaign website, which includes a postcode search to help people find their ideal job at a local council.

Campaign Toolkit

Councils can take part in the campaign by downloading the comprehensive campaign toolkit; the materials can be adapted for local use. The toolkit provides access to all the digital and print materials to help boost local recruitment efforts and participate in the national campaign. This includes access to creative assets, such as social media content, posters, videos, banner stands and logos, and guidance on how to use the materials.  

Impact of the Pilot Campaign in the North East 

An initial pilot of the campaign was successfully run in the North East of England from January to March 2024, supported by the North East Regional Employers' Organisation.

With impressive results, an external evaluation has found that across all channels the pilot campaign achieved:

  • more than 17 million impressions and generated more than 105,000 clicks to the North East Jobs portal
  • a 9% year-on-year increase in applications
  • research respondents reported a more positive perception of their local council as an employer and expressed increased openness to job opportunities.

The North East pilot campaign won the ‘Best Innovation in Recruitment’ award at the LGC Workforce Awards 2024, in recognition of the collaboration between councils in the North East, NEREO and the LGA.

How to get involved 

We are engaging with regional networks across England that support councils with recruitment and capacity challenges. This is done via existing network meetings, with the support of our regional teams and regional employer organisations. 

Further information 

If you would like to find out more or need support with the campaign, contact us at [email protected]

Frequently asked questions


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