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Opportunity Development Funding Awarded (One Public Estate)

In February 2022, the One Public Estate (OPE) programme awarded £3.9 million of Opportunity Development Funding to 47 One Public Estate Partnerships across England.

In February 2022, the One Public Estate (OPE) programme awarded £3.9 million of Opportunity Development Funding to 47 One Public Estate Partnerships across England. The funding, derived from repaid sustainable grant funding released back into the programme, alongside unallocated Phase 9 OPE funding, will provide capacity for OPE Partnerships to develop a pipeline of investable public sector property opportunities in their area, helping to address social justice outcomes around housing, health, education and children.  

Many organisations and localities are revisiting their estate strategies post pandemic, and there is a particular opportunity to consider the role the public estate can play in helping to address regional and local inequalities and improve social justice outcomes. Opportunity Development Funding will support partners to contribute towards the Government's plan to level up communities across the country, spreading opportunity and delivering post pandemic public sector estate strategies; creating vibrant new places for people to live and work, boosting local economies, and delivering new homes and jobs. 

Recognising that capacity within OPE Partnerships has been highlighted as a barrier to identifying and bringing forward a pipeline of further estate collaboration opportunities, Opportunity Development Funding awards focus support to areas where there is the strongest need to address regional and local inequalities, and an opportunity for the public sector estate to contribute to these aims, particularly in relation to health, housing and education outcomes.

Find out more about the One Public Estate Programme.