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2017/18 Programme

The LGA and NHS Digital ran the Local Investment Programme, to support councils to use digital technology to improve social care services last year. Nineteen councils have received up to £50,000 towards their projects, detailed in the four themes. Click on the drop-down boxes for summary information and case studies.

Find out about the projects in your area through this new interactive tool.

Data across boundaries

Data sharing initiatives across local authority boundaries, between health and social care and to providers

Peterborough City Council Project

Summary: Aligning systems using the same social care database (Mosaic) to support integrated working across council boundaries with Cambridgeshire

Partner: Cambridgeshire County Council Servelec (Mosaic)

Outcomes: Better ways of working across boundaries with a better aligned service for the consumer.

Projected savings: More agile working in social care (£125,000), better information and analytics (£163,000) and reducing high cost placements (£500,000)

Peterborough City Council LIP case study

Sefton Council Project

Summary: Proof of concept study with software provider to support a digital pathway to manage homecare provision across Liverpool

Partners: Liverpool City Council Knowsley Council

Outcomes: Joined-up process for requesting home care services and a real-time view of service requests, delivery and capacity.

Projected savings: Reduced delayed discharges of care and a reduction in permanent residential admissions (minimum of £222,000 saving).

Sefton and Knowsley LIP case study

Wolverhampton City Council Project

Summary: Project to introduce shared data across five councils in the West Midlands covering DTOC and reason for hospital admission.

Partners: PredictX Outcomes: Reduce DTOC via factor analysis and reduced admission

Projected Savings: Reduced admissions from nursing and residential homes, housing engagement and through falls (evaluation partner to quantify)

Wolverhampton LIP case study

London Borough of Hackney Project

Summary: Linking council, health and VCS datasets to identify residents with specific long term conditions to generate uptake in a new digital CBT tool.

Partners: City and Hackney CCG SilverCloud

Outcomes: Better behavioural insights intelligence and more eligible residents signed up to the digital CBT tool.

Projected savings: Not projected but likely reduction in service reliance for users

London Borough of Hackney LIP case study

Personalised care and support planning

Improving information and advice to service user and measuring the outcomes of interventions

Norfolk County Council Project

Summary: Customer service client referral system to generate, track and follow-up social care client referrals to local organisations.

Partner: Norfolk Community Advice Network Outcomes: Improving the quality of information and advice, improved customer experience, and helping users remain independent for longer.

Projected savings: Projected to keep 52 people independent for longer and achieve savings of £238,000

Norfolk LIP case study

London Borough of Harrow Project

Summary: Extend My Community ePurse system which supports purchasing social care/equipment via personal budget online system to people with personal health budgets

Partners: Watson Care Manager (IBM) NHS Harrow Clinical Commissioning Group

Outcomes: Better coordinated and personalised care Projected Savings: 7 per cent cost saving per Personal Health Budget - £70,000 in project period

London Borough of Harrow LIP case study

Kent County Council Project

Summary: Creating a digital tool for assessing individuals outcomes of voluntary sector care navigation approach

Partner: Leicestershire Health Informatics Service

Outcomes: Enhanced independence of residents by identification of most effective community resources.

Projected savings: 10 per cent saving on their homecare spend (£2.8m pa) and delay uptake of statutory services by 4-6 months (£850k pa)

How iterative approaches can enable faster, smarter working

Kent County Council LIP case study

Leicestershire County Council Project

Summary: Using a third party tool to measure the impact of non-medical interventions on the health and care system.

Outcomes: Impact measured by number of non-medical interventions reducing need for health services

Projected savings: Linked to STP savings of £3,000,000 in 2017/18 (evaluation work will separate any savings)

Bradford City Council Project

Summary: Improve their information, advice and guidance web offer by developing a virtual assistant service on their Connect to Support platform.

Partner: University of Bradford

Outcomes: Better assistance for self-assessments and support for decision making about the care needs of themselves or others.

Projected savings: Prevention of uptake to traditional services (£275,000)

Bradford Council LIP case study

Video updating Bradford’s progress to create a digital navigation tool

Sharing record

Allowing service users and providers to access their records to make informed decisions about care and support.

Luton Council Project

Summary: Enabling residential/nursing homes to access electronic shared care records with health services.

Outcomes: Prevent avoidable emergency admissions, improve the experience of residents and improve the quality of service.

Projected savings: Reducing non-elective admissions (£366,000) and improving efficiencies in social care (£40,000).

Luton Council LIP case study

Plymouth City Council Project

Summary: Enabling supported living providers to access care management data, including reporting activity/cost information via a portal

Partner: OLM Livewell South West

Outcomes: Help CCG/Council commissioning team monitor performance to improve quality, support outcome based care planning for residents

Projected Savings: 15 per cent on care packages (up to £850,000 for social care and £900,000 for health)

Plymouth City Council LIP case study

Solihull Council Project

Summary: Providing mental health professionals with effective mobile technology to access real time Information Management System

Outcomes: Enabling informed decisions using accurate clinical, social care and risk data with improved outcomes for service users

Projected savings: Increasing productivity of mental health professionals (£47,100 per annum)

Solihull Council LIP case study

Stockton-on-Tees Council Project

Summary: Online Care Plan tool shared with all professionals (with consent) in order that clients only have to tell their story once.

Outcomes: Up-to-date care plans (My Voice, My Choice) uploaded onto partners’ systems to enable better care planning and improved choices

Projected savings: Reducing duplication of work (£144,000 per annum).

Stockton-on-Tees LIP case study

Liverpool City Council Project

Summary: Developing digital medication adherence records to be used in Liverpool's care homes Partner: Liverpool Care Homes Partnership CIC Liverpool CCG

Outcomes: Reducing medication errors and free up care home staff time.

Projected savings: Better home care management (a total saving of £117,120 is possible).

Liverpool City Council LIP case study

Nottinghamshire County Council Project

Summary: Shared comprehensive record system to allow social care staff access to real-time acute, mental health, primary and community health information. Partners: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Connected Nottinghamshire

Outcomes: Efficient use of practitioners' time to access client data

Projected savings: 5 per cent of social workers' time saved (£2,100 per year) and £25,272 saved in reduction in bed numbers.

Presentation at LGA’s Digital Showcase on 22 November

Nottinghamshire County Council LIP case study

17 October Blog on lessons from the development of Nottinghamshire Health and Care Portal

Technology in the Home

Introducing new assistive technology in the home to increase resident independence.

London Borough of Barnet

Summary: Assistive technology to support 18 service users with complex learning disabilities based in supported living facilities and to train the workforce to look for assistive technology when planning all care.

Partners: Argenti

Outcomes: More personalised, independence enhancing support and quicker response to issues

Projected savings: £2,000 per user

London Borough of Barnet LIP case study

Video: providers and a learning disabled service user in supported living in Barnet

24 September – Blog from Barnet on the nine success factors for digital social care projects

Bath and North East Somerset Council Project

Summary: Piloting a range of assistive technology and diagnostic apps and devices within their reablement and rehabilitation service

Partners: TSA Virgin Care

Outcomes: Users remain in their own home for longer, non-elective admissions reduced

Projected savings: 0.8 per cent reduction in residential admissions (£165,000 p/a) Contribute to reduction in non-elective admissions (£187,000 p/a)

Bath and North East Somerset Council LIP case study

Essex County Council Project

Summary: Piloting video calls as part of care packages amongst individuals in the short-term support and reablement service.

Partners: Essex Cares Limited Breezie Speakset

Outcomes: Improved health and medicine management and better access to community support Projected Savings: 40 per cent reduction in physical visits projected for service users

Essex County Council LIP case study

Hampshire County Council Project

Summary: Trialling the use of the Amazon Echo (voice-activated home audio speaker) with 50 adult social care service users

Partners: Argenti Amazon

Outcomes: Reduced social isolation, increased reassurance of family

Projected savings: £7,700 of cashable savings for the 6-month pathfinder project. Estimate of £66,300 for 50 users (full year)

Presentation at LGA’s Digital Showcase on 22 November

Hampshire County Council LIP case study

Video involving a young physically disabled woman called Georgie in Hants with an Amazon Echo