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Change 5: Maximising independence and recovery

Partners in Care and Health banner

Health, social care, housing and VCSE organisations working with people to maximise their independence and support recovery:

  • Helps people to live the life they want
  • Allows people to stay independent at home for longer
  • Reduces or delays the need for emergency and statutory services

This will not be achieved through any one method but might include social prescribing, enabling self-care, adaptations and equipment, assistive technology or information and advice.

Making it Real statements

I can live the life I want and do the things that are important to me as independently as possible."

We work with people to make sure that their personal plans promote wellbeing and enable them to be as independent as possible."

Tips for success

  • Talk to people about what matters to them and consider their mental, emotional and social needs as well as their physical health to support recovery.
  • People recovering from a period of illness should be supported to resume their normal life including social activities, hobbies and interests to help improve their chances of recovery and reduce the risk of social isolation.
  • Ensure staff training, technology, equipment and care planning processes all encourage and enable self-care and self-management.
  • Ensure that carers and families are supported in their caring role. This can both help to improve the outcomes of the people they support but also avoid caring having a negative impact on their own health and wellbeing.
  • Ensure that people can receive support, information and advice to prevent escalation of need even if they are not eligible for statutory services or fund their own social care.
  • Consider how health and social care can connect people to VCSE and community support like social prescribing or peer support groups to support their independence or recovery.
  • Use self-reported outcomes and people’s stories to show the impact of this way of working on people’s health, wellbeing, resilience, friendships, or ability to self-care.

Supporting materials

Case studies

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