The Apprenticeships Maturity Model was developed by the LGA in December 2017 as a new self-assessment tool for the local government sector to be able to benchmark its performance on apprenticeships. It has since been adapted by Health Education England for use with NHS Trusts.
The Maturity Model helps provide a framework for local authorities to develop and grow their apprenticeship programme and offers best practice ideas from around the sector to help councils put their programme on a sustainable footing.
A newly revised and updated version of the Maturity Model was launched in 2023 – email us if you would like to receive a copy.
The Apprenticeship MOT is a process developed by the LGA in 2019 as part of our core offer of support. We have supported 35 councils to date through this process. The MOT is a mini-review of a local authority apprenticeship programme and is designed to:
- develop a clear picture of a council apprenticeships programme, consider what it is doing well and which areas it should consider for improvement;
- understand what the apprentice experience is like at the council and share best practice;
- show how the council compares to the national and regional averages on apprenticeships starts, levy spend, schools and maturity model self-assessment;
- provide an external assessment of the council’s performance against the Maturity Model to compare that with the council’s own assessment;
- produce a short report setting out progress, comparisons, improvement priorities and identifying areas where LGA support can help.
Since 2020/21, the LGA has moved this process entirely online. Apprenticeship MOTs are available for local authorities on request.
If your council would like to discuss the process further or book an MOT, please email the LGA’s Apprenticeships Adviser: [email protected].
The LGA has developed a tool that maps job roles in the sector to the most relevant apprenticeship standards. Based on an initial template we developed with City of York Council, the mapping tool has been expanded to cover more job roles and is updated on a monthly basis as new apprenticeship standards are approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.
If you would like access to the mapping tool, you can join our KHUB group and download it directly. This is open to councils only, to request access please email the LGA’s Apprenticeships Adviser: [email protected]
We have run a successful webinar programme for the last four years reaching over 150 councils and covering topics as varied as the apprenticeship funding rules, working with schools, levy transfers, the public sector target and workforce planning.
Access recordings of our recent webinars.
The LGA provides a range of advice, guidance and best practice sharing for the sector on all aspects of managing and developing an apprenticeship programme.
We have developed several guides and toolkits for the sector covering working with schools, the public sector target and procurement, as well as sharing other examples of best practice from around the sector and a tool that maps apprenticeship standards to local authority job roles.
We provide most of our advice and guidance via our Apprenticeships KHUB Group, where there is also a lively forum to share ideas, queries and requests across the sector. The group is open to local authorities only. To request access to the KHUB group, please create an account and then request access to the group.
The LGA has developed a toolkit to support local authorities who are working with schools to create apprenticeship opportunities. Local authorities are considered to be the employer for most maintained schools in their areas for the purposes of the apprenticeships levy. This means that councils have an important role in helping schools make the most of the opportunities apprenticeships offer.
Since the Apprenticeships Levy was introduced in April 2017, the government estimate that over 20,000 people have started an apprenticeship in schools in England, with over 2,500 maintained schools having taken on at least one apprentice using the Apprenticeship Levy. Maintained schools contribute around £83 million towards the levy each year and local authorities are working hard to help them spend this funding to invest in staff development, fill skills gaps, and deliver a better learning experience for their pupils.
To help councils work better with their schools, the LGA has developed a series of resources in our Schools Toolkit. The toolkit has been developed using the knowledge and experience of schools and local authorities across England and comprises our main guide, a series of stand-alone templates, handouts and leaflets for Head Teachers, school staff and councils to use and adapt for the particular circumstances at each Local Authority and school. Each tool has been developed from successful practice in councils working with schools and can be downloaded and customised.
Copies of the toolkit are available in our Apprenticeships group on the KHUB or by emailing LGA Apprenticeships Adviser Jamie Saddler.