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LGA response to the DfE consultation 'Changes to the teaching of Sex and Relationship Education and PSHE'

The LGA supports the Government’s decision to make Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) compulsory in all secondary schools.

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Key messages

  • The LGA supports the Government’s decision to make Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) compulsory in all secondary schools. We welcome the opportunity to comment on the development of new guidance for schools and regulations for the implementation of statutory Relationship Education (RE) and RSE.
  • PSHE has proven benefits to mental and physical health, online and offline safety and in preparing children for life and work. Many pupils miss out on these benefits because it is does not have statutory status. In order for RSE to have full impact it is essential that PSHE is made statutory too. We support compulsory PSHE in all primary and secondary schools; inclusive of academies, special schools, free schools and maintained schools and for parents to be given the right to withdraw their child. 
  • Children face a host of modern day issues which needs to be reflected in the teaching of RE and RSE. For example, the digital world and social media presents a number of risks to children. Educating children and young people early about the risks associated with digital and social media, including how to spot dangers, staying safe online and how to report abuse must form a part of the curriculum.

Download the full briefing

LGA response to the DfE consultation 'Changes to the teaching of Sex and Relationship Education and PSHE'